Easy way to Import / Export Packages?

Hello, is there an “easy” way to import / export single parts of a project ? ( like unity packages and without this flax engine plugin / git cloning thing)

A workflow must be simple.

Why do I need to create a plugin or clone a project if I only need a first person controller from project 1 … and an inventory from project 5 … and an interaction system from project 6 ? all together 500kb.

Why not keep it simple ( like in Unity ):
export only the 3 components … and simply import them into a new project
and everything works.

The next advantage is sharing:
Only one file ( archive ) that can be easily imported into an existing project.

Or is there some advantage I have overlooked in the Flax philosophy ?

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I can’t see this and the same of Migrate feature of Unreal Engine in Flax Editor 1.9 newest
This engine isn’t already production

There’s this plugins, but in my opinion the answer is no, there is nothing like the simple Unity approach of select what you want, opt in/out of dependencies and press go all in one simple gui, then import with one click and another simple gui.