[ 00:00:44.283 ]: [Warning] Inner exception. Invalid ManagedHandle
Stack strace:
at FlaxEngine.Interop.ManagedHandle.ManagedHandlePool.FreeHandle(IntPtr handle) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Managed.cs:line 570
at FlaxEngine.Interop.ManagedHandle.Free() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Managed.cs:line 354
at FlaxEngine.PostFxMaterialsSettingsMarshaller.NativeToManaged.Free(PostFxMaterialsSettingsInternal unmanaged) in F:\FlaxEngine\Cache\Intermediate\FlaxEditor\Windows\x64\Development\Graphics\Graphics.Bindings.Gen.cs:line 9881
at FlaxEngine.PostFxVolume.Internal_GetPostFxMaterials(IntPtr __obj, PostFxMaterialsSettings& __resultAsRef) in F:\FlaxEngine\Microsoft.Interop.LibraryImportGenerator\Microsoft.Interop.LibraryImportGenerator\LibraryImports.g.cs:line 26352
at FlaxEngine.PostFxVolume.get_PostFxMaterials() in F:\FlaxEngine\Cache\Intermediate\FlaxEditor\Windows\x64\Development\Level\Level.Bindings.Gen.cs:line 4924
at InvokeStub_PostFxVolume.get_PostFxMaterials(Object, Object, IntPtr*)
at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.Invoke(Object obj, IntPtr* args, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
[ 00:00:44.283 ]: [Warning] Exception has been thrown during Window.OnUpdate. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Stack strace:
at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.Invoke(Object obj, IntPtr* args, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo.GetValue(Object obj, Object[] index)
at FlaxEditor.Scripting.ScriptMemberInfo.GetValue(Object obj) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Scripting\ScriptType.cs:line 661
at FlaxEditor.Utilities.MemberInfoPath.Entry.GetValue(Object instance) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Utilities\MemberInfoPath.cs:line 91
at FlaxEditor.Utilities.MemberInfoPath.GetLastValue(Object instance) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Utilities\MemberInfoPath.cs:line 229
at FlaxEditor.Utilities.ObjectSnapshot.Compare(Object obj) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Utilities\ObjectSnapshot.cs:line 262
at FlaxEditor.Undo.UndoMultiInternal.End(Object snapshotInstance) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Undo\Undo.cs:line 212
at FlaxEditor.Undo.RecordMultiEnd(Object[] snapshotInstance, IUndoAction customActionBefore, IUndoAction customActionAfter) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Undo\Undo.cs:line 255
at FlaxEditor.UndoMultiBlock.Dispose() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Undo\UndoMultiBlock.cs:line 49
at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.SyncPointEditor.RefreshInternal() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\SyncPointEditor.cs:line 80
at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditorPresenter.Update() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditorPresenter.cs:line 438
at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditorPresenter.PresenterPanel.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditorPresenter.cs:line 72
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.RootControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\RootControl.cs:line 131
at FlaxEngine.Window.Internal_OnUpdate(Single dt) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Platform\Window.cs:line 187
at FlaxEngine.Interop.NativeInterop.Invoker.InvokerNoRet1`2.MarshalAndInvoke(Object delegateContext, ManagedHandle instancePtr, IntPtr paramPtr) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Invoker.cs:line 256
at FlaxEngine.Interop.NativeInterop.InvokeMethod(ManagedHandle instanceHandle, ManagedHandle methodHandle, IntPtr paramPtr, IntPtr exceptionPtr) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Unmanaged.cs:line 675
[ 00:00:44.283 ]: [Error] Exception has been thrown during Window.OnUpdate.
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
[ 00:00:44.287 ]: [Error] Native interop exception!
[ 00:00:44.287 ]: [Error] Native interop exception!
[ 00:00:44.288 ]: [Warning] Inner exception. Invalid ManagedHandle
Stack strace:
at FlaxEngine.Interop.ManagedHandle.ManagedHandlePool.FreeHandle(IntPtr handle) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Managed.cs:line 570
at FlaxEngine.Interop.ManagedHandle.Free() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Managed.cs:line 354
at FlaxEngine.PostFxMaterialsSettingsMarshaller.NativeToManaged.Free(PostFxMaterialsSettingsInternal unmanaged) in F:\FlaxEngine\Cache\Intermediate\FlaxEditor\Windows\x64\Development\Graphics\Graphics.Bindings.Gen.cs:line 9881
at FlaxEngine.PostFxVolume.Internal_GetPostFxMaterials(IntPtr __obj, PostFxMaterialsSettings& __resultAsRef) in F:\FlaxEngine\Microsoft.Interop.LibraryImportGenerator\Microsoft.Interop.LibraryImportGenerator\LibraryImports.g.cs:line 26352
at FlaxEngine.PostFxVolume.get_PostFxMaterials() in F:\FlaxEngine\Cache\Intermediate\FlaxEditor\Windows\x64\Development\Level\Level.Bindings.Gen.cs:line 4924
at InvokeStub_PostFxVolume.get_PostFxMaterials(Object, Object, IntPtr*)
at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.Invoke(Object obj, IntPtr* args, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
[ 00:00:44.288 ]: [Warning] Exception has been thrown during Window.OnUpdate. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Stack strace:
at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.Invoke(Object obj, IntPtr* args, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo.GetValue(Object obj, Object[] index)
at FlaxEditor.Scripting.ScriptMemberInfo.GetValue(Object obj) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Scripting\ScriptType.cs:line 661
at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.ValueContainer.Refresh(ValueContainer instanceValues) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\Values\ValueContainer.cs:line 367
at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditor.RefreshInternal() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditor.cs:line 325
at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditor.RefreshRootChild() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditor.cs:line 277
at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditor.RefreshRoot() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditor.cs:line 238
at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.SyncPointEditor.Refresh() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\SyncPointEditor.cs:line 97
at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.SyncPointEditor.RefreshInternal() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\SyncPointEditor.cs:line 85
at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditorPresenter.Update() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditorPresenter.cs:line 438
at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditorPresenter.PresenterPanel.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditorPresenter.cs:line 72
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
at FlaxEngine.GUI.RootControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\RootControl.cs:line 131
at FlaxEngine.Window.Internal_OnUpdate(Single dt) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Platform\Window.cs:line 187
at FlaxEngine.Interop.NativeInterop.Invoker.InvokerNoRet1`2.MarshalAndInvoke(Object delegateContext, ManagedHandle instancePtr, IntPtr paramPtr) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Invoker.cs:line 256
at FlaxEngine.Interop.NativeInterop.InvokeMethod(ManagedHandle instanceHandle, ManagedHandle methodHandle, IntPtr paramPtr, IntPtr exceptionPtr) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Unmanaged.cs:line 675
[ 00:00:00.002 ]: [Info] Flax Engine
[ 00:00:00.002 ]: [Info] Platform: Windows x64 (Development)
[ 00:00:00.002 ]: [Info] Version 1.6.6344
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Compiled: Jul 4 2023 12:35:42
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Compiled with Visual C++ 19.36.32535.00
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Product: Flax Editor, Company: Flax
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Current culture: es-ES
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Command line: -project '%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Flax Projects\Flax1_6PPM'
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Base directory: C:\Program Files (x86)/Flax/Flax_1.6
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Temporary folder: %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Temp/8fe8cac8-4f9e-91de-fbaa-09a2842c9b6a
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Project folder: %USERPROFILE%/Documents/Flax Projects/Flax1_6PPM
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Project name: Flax1_6PPM
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] CPU package count: 1, Core count: 12, Logical processors: 24
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] CPU Page size: 4 Kb, cache line size: 64 bytes
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] L1 cache: 768 Kb, L2 cache: 12 Mb, L3 cache: 64 Mb
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Clock speed: 10 MHz
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Physical Memory: 31.73 Gb total, 6.62 Gb used (20.85%)
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Virtual Memory: 128 Tb total, 4.3100000000000005 Gb used (0%)
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Main thread id: 0x5524, Process id: 10872
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Desktop size: X:3840 Y:2160
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Virtual Desktop size: X:0 Y:0 Width:3840 Height:2160
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Screen DPI: 144
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0.19044)
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Last project open version: 1.6.6344
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Initialize Objects Removal Service...
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Initialize Thread Pool...
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Spawning 11 Thread Pool workers
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 0' ID=0x4a40 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 2' ID=0x1fec started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 4' ID=0x2928 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 3' ID=0x6ffc started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 1' ID=0x5518 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 5' ID=0x6e98 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 8' ID=0x6030 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Initialize Time...
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Initialize ContentStorage...
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 9' ID=0x320c started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 7' ID=0x1a50 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 6' ID=0x4804 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Initialize JobSystem...
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 10' ID=0x3304 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 0' ID=0x363c started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 1' ID=0x2930 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 2' ID=0x78b8 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 3' ID=0x646c started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 4' ID=0x6bbc started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 5' ID=0x2504 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 6' ID=0x3364 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 7' ID=0x3a54 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 8' ID=0x2e40 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 9' ID=0x6554 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 13' ID=0x7b5c started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 15' ID=0x6a04 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 14' ID=0x19f0 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 10' ID=0x41dc started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Initialize Font Manager...
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 11' ID=0x5da4 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 12' ID=0x40b0 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 16' ID=0x7100 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 23' ID=0x7b14 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] FreeType initialized, version: 2.10.0
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Initialize Content...
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 18' ID=0x202c started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Loading Asset Cache %USERPROFILE%/Documents/Flax Projects/Flax1_6PPM/Cache/AssetsCache.dat...
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 20' ID=0x2bd4 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 19' ID=0x5724 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 22' ID=0x4ac started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 21' ID=0x640c started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 17' ID=0x1e38 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Asset Cache loaded 170 entries in 5 ms (0 rejected)
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Initialize Content Loading Manager...
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Creating 12 content loading threads...
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 0' ID=0x5a3c started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 1' ID=0x50d0 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 2' ID=0x5e50 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 3' ID=0x51ac started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 4' ID=0x4d2c started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 5' ID=0x1cc4 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 6' ID=0x3168 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 7' ID=0x473c started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 8' ID=0x61c8 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Initialize Localization...
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 9' ID=0x3450 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 10' ID=0x4334 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 11' ID=0x415c started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Initialize AssetsImportingManager...
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Initialize AssetsExportingManager...
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Initialize Shader Cache Manager...
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Initialize Shaders Compilation Service...
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Thread 'File System Watchers' ID=0x2a8c started with priority BelowNormal
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Initialize Debug Draw...
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Initialize GameSettings...
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Warning] Missing Network settings
[ 00:00:00.021 ]: [Info] Initialize Input...
[ 00:00:00.021 ]: [Info] Initialize Audio...
[ 00:00:00.021 ]: [Info] Audio system initialization... (backend: OpenAL)
[ 00:00:00.029 ]: [Info] Rebuilding audio contexts
[ 00:00:00.029 ]: [Info] Enabling OpenAL HRTF
[ 00:00:00.095 ]: [Info] Rebuilding audio contexts
[ 00:00:00.095 ]: [Info] Enabling OpenAL HRTF
[ 00:00:00.111 ]: [Info] OpenAL Soft (1.1 ALSOFT 1.23.1)
[ 00:00:00.111 ]: [Info] [active] Altavoces (G432 Gaming Headset)
[ 00:00:00.111 ]: [Info] 4 - LS28AG700N (AMD High Definition Audio Device)
[ 00:00:00.111 ]: [Info] Altavoces (Realtek USB Audio)
[ 00:00:00.111 ]: [Info] Initialize Graphics...
[ 00:00:00.111 ]: [Info] Creating Graphics Device...
[ 00:00:00.187 ]: [Info] Adapter 0: 'AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT', DirectX 11
[ 00:00:00.187 ]: [Info] Dedicated Video Memory: 11.96 Gb, Dedicated System Memory: 0 b, Shared System Memory: 15.870000000000001 Gb, Output(s): 1
[ 00:00:00.189 ]: [Info] Adapter 1: 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver', DirectX 11
[ 00:00:00.189 ]: [Info] Dedicated Video Memory: 0 b, Dedicated System Memory: 0 b, Shared System Memory: 15.870000000000001 Gb, Output(s): 0
[ 00:00:00.267 ]: [Info] Video output '\\.\DISPLAY1' 3840x2160 144 Hz
[ 00:00:00.329 ]: [Info] Total graphics memory: 11.96 Gb
[ 00:00:00.329 ]: [Info] Graphics Device created! Adapter: 'AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT', Renderer: DirectX 11, Shader Profile: DirectX SM5, Feature Level: SM5
[ 00:00:00.333 ]: [Info] Initialize Windows Manager...
[ 00:00:00.333 ]: [Info] Initialize Scripting...
[ 00:00:00.333 ]: [Info] Found hostfxr in C:\Program Files\dotnet\host\fxr\7.0.9\hostfxr.dll
[ 00:00:00.372 ]: [Info] .NET runtime version: .NET 7.0.9
[ 00:00:00.381 ]: [Info] Assembly System.Private.CoreLib loaded in 9ms
[ 00:00:00.406 ]: [Info] Caching classes for assembly System.Private.CoreLib took 25ms
[ 00:00:00.407 ]: [Info] Assembly FlaxEngine.CSharp loaded in 1ms
[ 00:00:00.481 ]: [Info] Caching classes for assembly FlaxEngine.CSharp took 74ms
[ 00:00:00.493 ]: [Info] Using FlaxAPI in Development
[ 00:00:00.499 ]: [Info] Main render task created
[ 00:00:00.499 ]: [Info] Scripting Engine initializated! (time: 166ms)
[ 00:00:00.499 ]: [Info] Initialize Animations...
[ 00:00:00.499 ]: [Info] Initialize Code Editing Manager...
[ 00:00:00.501 ]: [Info] Initialize Viewport Icons Renderer...
[ 00:00:00.503 ]: [Info] Initialize Scripts Builder...
[ 00:00:00.503 ]: [Info] Initialize Physics...
[ 00:00:00.503 ]: [Info] Setup NVIDIA PhysX 5.1.3
[ 00:00:00.504 ]: [Info] Initialize Profiling Tools...
[ 00:00:00.504 ]: [Info] Initialize Editor Analytics...
[ 00:00:00.504 ]: [Info] Editor analytics service is disabled.
[ 00:00:00.504 ]: [Info] Initialize Game Cooker...
[ 00:00:00.504 ]: [Info] Initialize Custom Editors Util...
[ 00:00:00.531 ]: [Info] Assembly 'FlaxEngine.CSharp' scanned for custom editors in 27 ms
[ 00:00:00.531 ]: [Info] Initialize Render2D...
[ 00:00:00.531 ]: [Info] Initialize Renderer...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Scene Manager...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Terrain Manager...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Atmosphere Pre Compute...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Navigation...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Particle Manager...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Probes Renderer...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize ShadowsOfMordor Builder...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize CSG Builder...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Online...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Streaming...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Prefab Manager...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Screen...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Plugin Manager...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Network Manager...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Network Replication...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Engine services are ready!
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Showing splash screen
[ 00:00:00.553 ]: [Info] Setting up C# Editor...
[ 00:00:00.596 ]: [Info] Loaded project Flax, version 1.6.6344
[ 00:00:00.606 ]: [Info] Loaded project Flax1_6PPM, version 1.0
[ 00:00:00.610 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Options.OptionsModule
[ 00:00:00.611 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ProjectCacheModule
[ 00:00:00.611 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SceneModule
[ 00:00:00.611 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.WindowsModule
[ 00:00:00.614 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.UIModule
[ 00:00:00.615 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Content.Thumbnails.ThumbnailsModule
[ 00:00:00.616 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SimulationModule
[ 00:00:00.616 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.PrefabsModule
[ 00:00:00.616 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SceneEditingModule
[ 00:00:00.616 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ContentEditingModule
[ 00:00:00.616 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ContentDatabaseModule
[ 00:00:00.616 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ContentImportingModule
[ 00:00:00.617 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SourceCodeEditing.CodeEditingModule
[ 00:00:00.618 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SourceCodeEditing.CodeDocsModule
[ 00:00:00.619 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ProgressReportingModule
[ 00:00:00.619 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ContentFindingModule
[ 00:00:00.624 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from to FlaxEditor.States.LoadingState
[ 00:00:00.627 ]: [Info] Editor init
[ 00:00:00.627 ]: [Info] Options file path: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Flax\EditorOptions.json
[ 00:00:00.627 ]: [Info] Loading editor options
[ 00:00:00.684 ]: [Info] Editor options changed!
[ 00:00:00.933 ]: [Info] Project database created in 12 ms. Items count: 225
[ 00:00:00.934 ]: [Info] Previews cache count: 1 (capacity for 225 icons)
[ 00:00:00.936 ]: [Info] Add code editor System Default
[ 00:00:00.936 ]: [Info] Add code editor Visual Studio 2022
[ 00:00:00.936 ]: [Info] Add code editor Visual Studio Code
[ 00:00:00.936 ]: [Info] Add code editor Default
[ 00:00:00.937 ]: [Info] Select code editor Visual Studio 2022
[ 00:00:00.949 ]: [Info] Starting scripts compilation...
[ 00:00:00.949 ]: [Info] Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)/Flax/Flax_1.6/Binaries/Tools/Flax.Build.exe" -log -logfile= -build -mutex -buildtargets=GameEditorTarget -skiptargets=FlaxEditor -platform=Windows -arch=x64 -configuration=Development
[ 00:00:01.005 ]: [Info] Flax.Build 1.0.0
[ 00:00:01.059 ]: [Info] Building targets...
[ 00:00:01.077 ]: [Info] Found Android SDK at %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
Missing Linux Toolchain. Cannot build for Linux platform.
[ 00:00:01.092 ]: [Info] Building C# only
Building target GameEditorTarget in Development for Windows x64
[ 00:00:01.101 ]: [Info] Building referenced target Flax
[ 00:00:01.922 ]: [Info] Found 3 valid and 0 invalid actions in Task Graph cache
[ 00:00:01.923 ]: [Info] Total time: 00:00:00.9377915
[ 00:00:01.942 ]: [Info] Scripts reloading start
[ 00:00:01.944 ]: [Info] Loading binary modules from build info file %USERPROFILE%/Documents/Flax Projects/Flax1_6PPM/Binaries/GameEditorTarget/Windows/x64/Development/GameEditorTarget.Build.json
[ 00:00:01.944 ]: [Info] Loading binary module Game
[ 00:00:01.949 ]: [Info] Assembly Game.CSharp loaded in 5ms
[ 00:00:01.952 ]: [Info] Caching classes for assembly Game.CSharp took 3ms
[ 00:00:01.952 ]: [Info] Assembly 'Game.CSharp' scanned for custom editors in 0 ms
[ 00:00:01.952 ]: [Info] Scripts reloading end. Total time: 10ms
[ 00:00:01.974 ]: [Info] Editor end init
[ 00:00:01.974 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.LoadingState to FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState
[ 00:00:01.983 ]: [Info] Searching for valid Actor
[ 00:00:01.986 ]: [Info] Found 50 types (in 2 ms)
[ 00:00:02.180 ]: [Info] Loading editor windows layout from '%USERPROFILE%/Documents/Flax Projects/Flax1_6PPM/Cache/WindowsLayout.xml'
[ 00:00:02.203 ]: [Info] Closing splash screen
[ 00:00:02.203 ]: [Info] Loading default project scene
[ 00:00:02.205 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState to FlaxEditor.States.ChangingScenesState
[ 00:00:02.208 ]: [Info] Loading scene...
[ 00:00:02.218 ]: [Info] Created graph for scene 'Scene' in 3 ms
[ 00:00:02.219 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.ChangingScenesState to FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState
[ 00:00:02.219 ]: [Info] Scene loaded in 11 ms