Editor crash / error PostFxVolume with material


Sometimes editor chash when a material is set in a PostFxVolume, but always throw an error to the output log.

In my case, the editor crash when a postfxvolume has some material, clicking on postfxvolume in scene tree and then clicking on other scene tree actor. Also, panel properties doesn’t work propertly

Flax Engine 1.6 installed from launcher. New project and default scene, without any extra script, only a simple post process material.
I haven’t found any information about this issue on github (only done a quick check), so maybe something happens with my system, but the result is that i can’t use flax 1.6 with postfxvolume having a material

Attached is a part of the editor’s startup log and the error
I leave the logs in comments, tried to upload the two files but it seems that text files cannot be uploaded.



[ 00:00:44.283 ]: [Warning] Inner exception. Invalid ManagedHandle
Stack strace:
   at FlaxEngine.Interop.ManagedHandle.ManagedHandlePool.FreeHandle(IntPtr handle) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Managed.cs:line 570
   at FlaxEngine.Interop.ManagedHandle.Free() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Managed.cs:line 354
   at FlaxEngine.PostFxMaterialsSettingsMarshaller.NativeToManaged.Free(PostFxMaterialsSettingsInternal unmanaged) in F:\FlaxEngine\Cache\Intermediate\FlaxEditor\Windows\x64\Development\Graphics\Graphics.Bindings.Gen.cs:line 9881
   at FlaxEngine.PostFxVolume.Internal_GetPostFxMaterials(IntPtr __obj, PostFxMaterialsSettings& __resultAsRef) in F:\FlaxEngine\Microsoft.Interop.LibraryImportGenerator\Microsoft.Interop.LibraryImportGenerator\LibraryImports.g.cs:line 26352
   at FlaxEngine.PostFxVolume.get_PostFxMaterials() in F:\FlaxEngine\Cache\Intermediate\FlaxEditor\Windows\x64\Development\Level\Level.Bindings.Gen.cs:line 4924
   at InvokeStub_PostFxVolume.get_PostFxMaterials(Object, Object, IntPtr*)
   at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.Invoke(Object obj, IntPtr* args, BindingFlags invokeAttr)

[ 00:00:44.283 ]: [Warning] Exception has been thrown during Window.OnUpdate. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Stack strace:
   at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.Invoke(Object obj, IntPtr* args, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo.GetValue(Object obj, Object[] index)
   at FlaxEditor.Scripting.ScriptMemberInfo.GetValue(Object obj) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Scripting\ScriptType.cs:line 661
   at FlaxEditor.Utilities.MemberInfoPath.Entry.GetValue(Object instance) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Utilities\MemberInfoPath.cs:line 91
   at FlaxEditor.Utilities.MemberInfoPath.GetLastValue(Object instance) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Utilities\MemberInfoPath.cs:line 229
   at FlaxEditor.Utilities.ObjectSnapshot.Compare(Object obj) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Utilities\ObjectSnapshot.cs:line 262
   at FlaxEditor.Undo.UndoMultiInternal.End(Object snapshotInstance) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Undo\Undo.cs:line 212
   at FlaxEditor.Undo.RecordMultiEnd(Object[] snapshotInstance, IUndoAction customActionBefore, IUndoAction customActionAfter) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Undo\Undo.cs:line 255
   at FlaxEditor.UndoMultiBlock.Dispose() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Undo\UndoMultiBlock.cs:line 49
   at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.SyncPointEditor.RefreshInternal() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\SyncPointEditor.cs:line 80
   at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditorPresenter.Update() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditorPresenter.cs:line 438
   at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditorPresenter.PresenterPanel.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditorPresenter.cs:line 72
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.RootControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\RootControl.cs:line 131
   at FlaxEngine.Window.Internal_OnUpdate(Single dt) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Platform\Window.cs:line 187
   at FlaxEngine.Interop.NativeInterop.Invoker.InvokerNoRet1`2.MarshalAndInvoke(Object delegateContext, ManagedHandle instancePtr, IntPtr paramPtr) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Invoker.cs:line 256
   at FlaxEngine.Interop.NativeInterop.InvokeMethod(ManagedHandle instanceHandle, ManagedHandle methodHandle, IntPtr paramPtr, IntPtr exceptionPtr) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Unmanaged.cs:line 675
[ 00:00:44.283 ]: [Error] Exception has been thrown during Window.OnUpdate.
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
[ 00:00:44.287 ]: [Error] Native interop exception!
[ 00:00:44.287 ]: [Error] Native interop exception!
[ 00:00:44.288 ]: [Warning] Inner exception. Invalid ManagedHandle
Stack strace:
   at FlaxEngine.Interop.ManagedHandle.ManagedHandlePool.FreeHandle(IntPtr handle) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Managed.cs:line 570
   at FlaxEngine.Interop.ManagedHandle.Free() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Managed.cs:line 354
   at FlaxEngine.PostFxMaterialsSettingsMarshaller.NativeToManaged.Free(PostFxMaterialsSettingsInternal unmanaged) in F:\FlaxEngine\Cache\Intermediate\FlaxEditor\Windows\x64\Development\Graphics\Graphics.Bindings.Gen.cs:line 9881
   at FlaxEngine.PostFxVolume.Internal_GetPostFxMaterials(IntPtr __obj, PostFxMaterialsSettings& __resultAsRef) in F:\FlaxEngine\Microsoft.Interop.LibraryImportGenerator\Microsoft.Interop.LibraryImportGenerator\LibraryImports.g.cs:line 26352
   at FlaxEngine.PostFxVolume.get_PostFxMaterials() in F:\FlaxEngine\Cache\Intermediate\FlaxEditor\Windows\x64\Development\Level\Level.Bindings.Gen.cs:line 4924
   at InvokeStub_PostFxVolume.get_PostFxMaterials(Object, Object, IntPtr*)
   at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.Invoke(Object obj, IntPtr* args, BindingFlags invokeAttr)

[ 00:00:44.288 ]: [Warning] Exception has been thrown during Window.OnUpdate. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Stack strace:
   at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.Invoke(Object obj, IntPtr* args, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo.GetValue(Object obj, Object[] index)
   at FlaxEditor.Scripting.ScriptMemberInfo.GetValue(Object obj) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\Scripting\ScriptType.cs:line 661
   at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.ValueContainer.Refresh(ValueContainer instanceValues) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\Values\ValueContainer.cs:line 367
   at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditor.RefreshInternal() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditor.cs:line 325
   at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditor.RefreshRootChild() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditor.cs:line 277
   at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditor.RefreshRoot() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditor.cs:line 238
   at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.SyncPointEditor.Refresh() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\SyncPointEditor.cs:line 97
   at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.SyncPointEditor.RefreshInternal() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\SyncPointEditor.cs:line 85
   at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditorPresenter.Update() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditorPresenter.cs:line 438
   at FlaxEditor.CustomEditors.CustomEditorPresenter.PresenterPanel.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Editor\CustomEditors\CustomEditorPresenter.cs:line 72
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.ContainerControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\ContainerControl.cs:line 754
   at FlaxEngine.GUI.RootControl.Update(Single deltaTime) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\UI\GUI\RootControl.cs:line 131
   at FlaxEngine.Window.Internal_OnUpdate(Single dt) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Platform\Window.cs:line 187
   at FlaxEngine.Interop.NativeInterop.Invoker.InvokerNoRet1`2.MarshalAndInvoke(Object delegateContext, ManagedHandle instancePtr, IntPtr paramPtr) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Invoker.cs:line 256
   at FlaxEngine.Interop.NativeInterop.InvokeMethod(ManagedHandle instanceHandle, ManagedHandle methodHandle, IntPtr paramPtr, IntPtr exceptionPtr) in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\NativeInterop.Unmanaged.cs:line 675


[ 00:00:00.002 ]: [Info] Flax Engine
[ 00:00:00.002 ]: [Info] Platform: Windows x64 (Development)
[ 00:00:00.002 ]: [Info] Version 1.6.6344
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Compiled: Jul  4 2023 12:35:42
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Compiled with Visual C++ 19.36.32535.00
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Product: Flax Editor, Company: Flax
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Current culture: es-ES
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Command line: -project '%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Flax Projects\Flax1_6PPM'
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Base directory: C:\Program Files (x86)/Flax/Flax_1.6
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Temporary folder: %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Temp/8fe8cac8-4f9e-91de-fbaa-09a2842c9b6a
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Project folder: %USERPROFILE%/Documents/Flax Projects/Flax1_6PPM
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Project name: Flax1_6PPM
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] CPU package count: 1, Core count: 12, Logical processors: 24
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] CPU Page size: 4 Kb, cache line size: 64 bytes
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] L1 cache: 768 Kb, L2 cache: 12 Mb, L3 cache: 64 Mb
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Clock speed: 10 MHz
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Physical Memory: 31.73 Gb total, 6.62 Gb used (20.85%)
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Virtual Memory: 128 Tb total, 4.3100000000000005 Gb used (0%)
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Main thread id: 0x5524, Process id: 10872
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Desktop size: X:3840 Y:2160
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Virtual Desktop size: X:0 Y:0 Width:3840 Height:2160
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Screen DPI: 144
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0.19044)
[ 00:00:00.003 ]: [Info] Last project open version: 1.6.6344
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Initialize Objects Removal Service...
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Initialize Thread Pool...
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Spawning 11 Thread Pool workers
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 0' ID=0x4a40 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 2' ID=0x1fec started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 4' ID=0x2928 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 3' ID=0x6ffc started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 1' ID=0x5518 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 5' ID=0x6e98 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 8' ID=0x6030 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Initialize Time...
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Initialize ContentStorage...
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 9' ID=0x320c started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 7' ID=0x1a50 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 6' ID=0x4804 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Initialize JobSystem...
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Thread Pool 10' ID=0x3304 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 0' ID=0x363c started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 1' ID=0x2930 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 2' ID=0x78b8 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 3' ID=0x646c started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 4' ID=0x6bbc started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 5' ID=0x2504 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 6' ID=0x3364 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 7' ID=0x3a54 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 8' ID=0x2e40 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 9' ID=0x6554 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 13' ID=0x7b5c started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 15' ID=0x6a04 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 14' ID=0x19f0 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 10' ID=0x41dc started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Initialize Font Manager...
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 11' ID=0x5da4 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 12' ID=0x40b0 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 16' ID=0x7100 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 23' ID=0x7b14 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] FreeType initialized, version: 2.10.0
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Initialize Content...
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 18' ID=0x202c started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Loading Asset Cache %USERPROFILE%/Documents/Flax Projects/Flax1_6PPM/Cache/AssetsCache.dat...
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 20' ID=0x2bd4 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 19' ID=0x5724 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 22' ID=0x4ac started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 21' ID=0x640c started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Thread 'Job System 17' ID=0x1e38 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Asset Cache loaded 170 entries in 5 ms (0 rejected)
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Initialize Content Loading Manager...
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Creating 12 content loading threads...
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 0' ID=0x5a3c started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 1' ID=0x50d0 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 2' ID=0x5e50 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 3' ID=0x51ac started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 4' ID=0x4d2c started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 5' ID=0x1cc4 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 6' ID=0x3168 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 7' ID=0x473c started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 8' ID=0x61c8 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Initialize Localization...
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 9' ID=0x3450 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 10' ID=0x4334 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.010 ]: [Info] Thread 'Load Thread 11' ID=0x415c started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Initialize AssetsImportingManager...
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Initialize AssetsExportingManager...
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Initialize Shader Cache Manager...
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Initialize Shaders Compilation Service...
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Thread 'File System Watchers' ID=0x2a8c started with priority BelowNormal
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Initialize Debug Draw...
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Info] Initialize GameSettings...
[ 00:00:00.020 ]: [Warning] Missing Network settings
[ 00:00:00.021 ]: [Info] Initialize Input...
[ 00:00:00.021 ]: [Info] Initialize Audio...
[ 00:00:00.021 ]: [Info] Audio system initialization... (backend: OpenAL)
[ 00:00:00.029 ]: [Info] Rebuilding audio contexts
[ 00:00:00.029 ]: [Info] Enabling OpenAL HRTF
[ 00:00:00.095 ]: [Info] Rebuilding audio contexts
[ 00:00:00.095 ]: [Info] Enabling OpenAL HRTF
[ 00:00:00.111 ]: [Info] OpenAL Soft (1.1 ALSOFT 1.23.1)
[ 00:00:00.111 ]: [Info] [active] Altavoces (G432 Gaming Headset)
[ 00:00:00.111 ]: [Info] 4 - LS28AG700N (AMD High Definition Audio Device)
[ 00:00:00.111 ]: [Info] Altavoces (Realtek USB Audio)
[ 00:00:00.111 ]: [Info] Initialize Graphics...
[ 00:00:00.111 ]: [Info] Creating Graphics Device...
[ 00:00:00.187 ]: [Info] Adapter 0: 'AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT', DirectX 11
[ 00:00:00.187 ]: [Info] 	Dedicated Video Memory: 11.96 Gb, Dedicated System Memory: 0 b, Shared System Memory: 15.870000000000001 Gb, Output(s): 1
[ 00:00:00.189 ]: [Info] Adapter 1: 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver', DirectX 11
[ 00:00:00.189 ]: [Info] 	Dedicated Video Memory: 0 b, Dedicated System Memory: 0 b, Shared System Memory: 15.870000000000001 Gb, Output(s): 0
[ 00:00:00.267 ]: [Info] Video output '\\.\DISPLAY1' 3840x2160 144 Hz
[ 00:00:00.329 ]: [Info] Total graphics memory: 11.96 Gb
[ 00:00:00.329 ]: [Info] Graphics Device created! Adapter: 'AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT', Renderer: DirectX 11, Shader Profile: DirectX SM5, Feature Level: SM5
[ 00:00:00.333 ]: [Info] Initialize Windows Manager...
[ 00:00:00.333 ]: [Info] Initialize Scripting...
[ 00:00:00.333 ]: [Info] Found hostfxr in C:\Program Files\dotnet\host\fxr\7.0.9\hostfxr.dll
[ 00:00:00.372 ]: [Info] .NET runtime version: .NET 7.0.9
[ 00:00:00.381 ]: [Info] Assembly System.Private.CoreLib loaded in 9ms
[ 00:00:00.406 ]: [Info] Caching classes for assembly System.Private.CoreLib took 25ms
[ 00:00:00.407 ]: [Info] Assembly FlaxEngine.CSharp loaded in 1ms
[ 00:00:00.481 ]: [Info] Caching classes for assembly FlaxEngine.CSharp took 74ms
[ 00:00:00.493 ]: [Info] Using FlaxAPI in Development
[ 00:00:00.499 ]: [Info] Main render task created
[ 00:00:00.499 ]: [Info] Scripting Engine initializated! (time: 166ms)
[ 00:00:00.499 ]: [Info] Initialize Animations...
[ 00:00:00.499 ]: [Info] Initialize Code Editing Manager...
[ 00:00:00.501 ]: [Info] Initialize Viewport Icons Renderer...
[ 00:00:00.503 ]: [Info] Initialize Scripts Builder...
[ 00:00:00.503 ]: [Info] Initialize Physics...
[ 00:00:00.503 ]: [Info] Setup NVIDIA PhysX 5.1.3
[ 00:00:00.504 ]: [Info] Initialize Profiling Tools...
[ 00:00:00.504 ]: [Info] Initialize Editor Analytics...
[ 00:00:00.504 ]: [Info] Editor analytics service is disabled.
[ 00:00:00.504 ]: [Info] Initialize Game Cooker...
[ 00:00:00.504 ]: [Info] Initialize Custom Editors Util...
[ 00:00:00.531 ]: [Info] Assembly 'FlaxEngine.CSharp' scanned for custom editors in 27 ms
[ 00:00:00.531 ]: [Info] Initialize Render2D...
[ 00:00:00.531 ]: [Info] Initialize Renderer...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Scene Manager...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Terrain Manager...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Atmosphere Pre Compute...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Navigation...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Particle Manager...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Probes Renderer...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize ShadowsOfMordor Builder...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize CSG Builder...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Online...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Streaming...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Prefab Manager...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Screen...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Plugin Manager...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Network Manager...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Initialize Network Replication...
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Engine services are ready!
[ 00:00:00.536 ]: [Info] Showing splash screen
[ 00:00:00.553 ]: [Info] Setting up C# Editor...
[ 00:00:00.596 ]: [Info] Loaded project Flax, version 1.6.6344
[ 00:00:00.606 ]: [Info] Loaded project Flax1_6PPM, version 1.0
[ 00:00:00.610 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Options.OptionsModule
[ 00:00:00.611 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ProjectCacheModule
[ 00:00:00.611 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SceneModule
[ 00:00:00.611 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.WindowsModule
[ 00:00:00.614 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.UIModule
[ 00:00:00.615 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Content.Thumbnails.ThumbnailsModule
[ 00:00:00.616 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SimulationModule
[ 00:00:00.616 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.PrefabsModule
[ 00:00:00.616 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SceneEditingModule
[ 00:00:00.616 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ContentEditingModule
[ 00:00:00.616 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ContentDatabaseModule
[ 00:00:00.616 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ContentImportingModule
[ 00:00:00.617 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SourceCodeEditing.CodeEditingModule
[ 00:00:00.618 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SourceCodeEditing.CodeDocsModule
[ 00:00:00.619 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ProgressReportingModule
[ 00:00:00.619 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ContentFindingModule
[ 00:00:00.624 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from  to FlaxEditor.States.LoadingState
[ 00:00:00.627 ]: [Info] Editor init
[ 00:00:00.627 ]: [Info] Options file path: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Flax\EditorOptions.json
[ 00:00:00.627 ]: [Info] Loading editor options
[ 00:00:00.684 ]: [Info] Editor options changed!
[ 00:00:00.933 ]: [Info] Project database created in 12 ms. Items count: 225
[ 00:00:00.934 ]: [Info] Previews cache count: 1 (capacity for 225 icons)
[ 00:00:00.936 ]: [Info] Add code editor System Default
[ 00:00:00.936 ]: [Info] Add code editor Visual Studio 2022
[ 00:00:00.936 ]: [Info] Add code editor Visual Studio Code
[ 00:00:00.936 ]: [Info] Add code editor Default
[ 00:00:00.937 ]: [Info] Select code editor Visual Studio 2022
[ 00:00:00.949 ]: [Info] Starting scripts compilation...
[ 00:00:00.949 ]: [Info] Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)/Flax/Flax_1.6/Binaries/Tools/Flax.Build.exe" -log -logfile= -build -mutex -buildtargets=GameEditorTarget -skiptargets=FlaxEditor -platform=Windows -arch=x64 -configuration=Development 
[ 00:00:01.005 ]: [Info] Flax.Build 1.0.0
[ 00:00:01.059 ]: [Info] Building targets...
[ 00:00:01.077 ]: [Info] Found Android SDK at %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
Missing Linux Toolchain. Cannot build for Linux platform.
[ 00:00:01.092 ]: [Info] Building C# only
Building target GameEditorTarget in Development for Windows x64
[ 00:00:01.101 ]: [Info] Building referenced target Flax
[ 00:00:01.922 ]: [Info] Found 3 valid and 0 invalid actions in Task Graph cache
[ 00:00:01.923 ]: [Info] Total time: 00:00:00.9377915
[ 00:00:01.942 ]: [Info] Scripts reloading start
[ 00:00:01.944 ]: [Info] Loading binary modules from build info file %USERPROFILE%/Documents/Flax Projects/Flax1_6PPM/Binaries/GameEditorTarget/Windows/x64/Development/GameEditorTarget.Build.json
[ 00:00:01.944 ]: [Info] Loading binary module Game
[ 00:00:01.949 ]: [Info] Assembly Game.CSharp loaded in 5ms
[ 00:00:01.952 ]: [Info] Caching classes for assembly Game.CSharp took 3ms
[ 00:00:01.952 ]: [Info] Assembly 'Game.CSharp' scanned for custom editors in 0 ms
[ 00:00:01.952 ]: [Info] Scripts reloading end. Total time: 10ms
[ 00:00:01.974 ]: [Info] Editor end init
[ 00:00:01.974 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.LoadingState to FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState
[ 00:00:01.983 ]: [Info] Searching for valid Actor
[ 00:00:01.986 ]: [Info] Found 50 types (in 2 ms)
[ 00:00:02.180 ]: [Info] Loading editor windows layout from '%USERPROFILE%/Documents/Flax Projects/Flax1_6PPM/Cache/WindowsLayout.xml'
[ 00:00:02.203 ]: [Info] Closing splash screen
[ 00:00:02.203 ]: [Info] Loading default project scene
[ 00:00:02.205 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState to FlaxEditor.States.ChangingScenesState
[ 00:00:02.208 ]: [Info] Loading scene...
[ 00:00:02.218 ]: [Info] Created graph for scene 'Scene' in 3 ms
[ 00:00:02.219 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.ChangingScenesState to FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState
[ 00:00:02.219 ]: [Info] Scene loaded in 11 ms

If anyone encounters the same problem, there is a small workaround.

In the editor open “Content/Settings/Graphics Settings”, at the bottom set the post process material. As long as you don’t close the editor, you can work with the material and see the results.

Once the editor is closed and you want to open the project again, you have to edit with a text editor “Content/Settings/Graphics Settings.json” and empty the “Materials” array in the “PostFxMaterials” section, otherwise an error will occur when loading the project and the editor will not open.

The error that occurs if you do not clear the “Materials” array in Graphics Settings.json

[ 00:00:00.361 ]: [Error] Critical error! Reason: Unhandled exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x78
[ 00:00:00.365 ]: [Info] Initialize Windows Manager...
[ 00:00:00.365 ]: [Info] Initialize Scripting...
[ 00:00:00.365 ]: [Info] Found hostfxr in C:\Program Files\dotnet\host\fxr\7.0.9\hostfxr.dll
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error] Stack trace:
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!GPUShaderProgramsContainer::Get() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Graphics\Shaders\GPUShader.cpp:line 46
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!GPUShader::GetShader() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Graphics\Shaders\GPUShader.cpp:line 171
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!PostFxMaterialShader::Load() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Graphics\Materials\PostFxMaterialShader.cpp:line 83
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!MaterialShader::Load() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Graphics\Materials\MaterialShader.cpp:line 238
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!MaterialShader::Create() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Graphics\Materials\MaterialShader.cpp:line 152
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!Material::load() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Content\Assets\Material.cpp:line 338
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!BinaryAsset::loadAsset() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Content\BinaryAsset.cpp:line 571
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!Asset::onLoad() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Content\Asset.cpp:line 573
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!LoadAssetTask::run() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Content\Loading\Tasks\LoadAssetTask.h:line 67
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!ContentLoadTask::Run() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Content\Loading\ContentLoadingManager.cpp:line 230
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!Task::Execute() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Threading\Task.cpp:line 148
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!LoadingThread::Run() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Content\Loading\ContentLoadingManager.cpp:line 129
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!ThreadBase::Run() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Platform\Base\ThreadBase.cpp:line 97
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at FlaxEditor.exe!Win32Thread::ThreadProc() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Platform\Win32\Win32Thread.cpp:line 103
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at KERNEL32.DLL 0x7ffcd72b7034
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error]     at ntdll.dll 0x7ffcd8c426a1
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error] Used Physical Memory: 16.5 Gb (51%)
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error] Used Virtual Memory: 5.32 Gb (0%)
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error] Process Used Physical Memory: 224.71 Mb
[ 00:00:00.520 ]: [Error] Process Used Virtual Memory: 637.17 Mb

1 Like

Fixed by @GoaLitiuM in .NET7: Fix marshalling issue with PostFxMaterialSettings Materials by GoaLitiuM · Pull Request #1314 · FlaxEngine/FlaxEngine · GitHub (will be live in the tomorrows’ master build via Flax Launcher)

Thanks for the info and update.