Editor throws Exception: Missing NET SDK runtime for Mac x64

On my M2 Mac Flax editor, every time I want to open scripts project it throws exception as title says.

Is there any way to fix that? Thanks!

What Editor version did you get? The one from Github Actions or from Download - Flax Engine?
Ensure the build is for mac ARM64, not old-Intel CPUs. In that case yo can also send a log file here so we can investigate it.

Thanks for your kind reply! I got it from download page for mac arm64 release. Here’s my output log:

[ 00:00:21.043 ]: [Info] Building C# only
[ 00:00:21.043 ]: [Info] Building target GameEditorTarget in Development for Mac ARM64
[ 00:00:23.863 ]: [Info] Building referenced target Flax
[ 00:00:24.638 ]: [Info] Using .NET SDK 8.0.302, runtime 8.0.6 (/usr/local/share/dotnet/)
[ 00:00:25.418 ]: [Info] Found 217 valid and 2 invalid actions in Task Graph cache
[ 00:00:25.419 ]: [Info] Executing 1 task using 1 thread
[ 00:00:25.419 ]: [Info] Compiling /Users/dev/Documents/FlaxProject/test/Binaries/GameEditorTarget/Mac/ARM64/Development/Game.CSharp.dll
[ 00:00:26.251 ]: [Info] /Users/dev/Documents/FlaxProject/test/Source/Game/FlaxVKLayer.cs(15,50,15,59): warning CS0067: The event 'FlaxVKLayer.OnResized' is never used
/Users/dev/Documents/FlaxProject/test/Source/Game/FlaxD3DLayer.cs(15,50,15,59): warning CS0067: The event 'FlaxD3DLayer.OnResized' is never used
[ 00:00:26.252 ]: [Info] Done!
[ 00:00:26.255 ]: [Info] Total time: 00:00:07.1133689
[ 00:00:26.274 ]: [Info] Scripts reloading start
[ 00:00:26.275 ]: [Info] Loading binary modules from build info file /Users/dev/Documents/FlaxProject/test/Binaries/GameEditorTarget/Mac/arm64/Development/GameEditorTarget.Build.json
[ 00:00:26.275 ]: [Info] Loading binary module Game
[ 00:00:26.275 ]: [Info] Assembly Game.CSharp loaded in 0ms
[ 00:00:26.284 ]: [Info] Caching classes for assembly Game.CSharp took 8ms
[ 00:00:26.284 ]: [Info] Assembly 'Game.CSharp' scanned for custom editors in 0 ms
[ 00:00:26.284 ]: [Info] Scripts reloading end. Total time: 10ms
[ 00:00:26.301 ]: [Info] Editor end init
[ 00:00:26.301 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.LoadingState to FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState
[ 00:00:26.308 ]: [Info] Searching for valid Control
[ 00:00:26.310 ]: [Info] Found 24 types (in 1 ms)
[ 00:00:26.310 ]: [Info] Searching for valid Actor
[ 00:00:26.311 ]: [Info] Found 51 types (in 0 ms)
[ 00:00:26.424 ]: [Info] Loading editor windows layout from '/Users/dev/Documents/FlaxProject/test/Cache/WindowsLayout.xml'
[ 00:00:26.440 ]: [Info] Closing splash screen
[ 00:00:26.441 ]: [Info] Loading last opened scene: MainScene
[ 00:00:26.442 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState to FlaxEditor.States.ChangingScenesState
[ 00:00:26.444 ]: [Info] Loading scene...
[ 00:00:26.460 ]: [Info] Created graph for scene 'Scene' in 1 ms
[ 00:00:26.460 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.ChangingScenesState to FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState
[ 00:00:26.460 ]: [Info] Scene loaded in 15ms
[ 00:00:36.396 ]: [Info] Command: /Applications/FlaxEditor.app/Contents/Binaries/Tools/Flax.Build -log -mutex -genproject -vscode
[ 00:00:36.434 ]: [Info] Flax.Build 1.0.0
[ 00:00:36.464 ]: [Info] Generating project files...
[ 00:00:36.678 ]: [Info] Using .NET SDK 8.0.302, runtime 8.0.6 (/usr/local/share/dotnet/)
[ 00:00:36.933 ]: [Info] Exception: Missing NET SDK runtime for Mac x64.
Stack trace:
[ 00:00:36.939 ]: [Info]    at nethost.Setup(BuildOptions options)
   at Flax.Build.Builder.CollectModules(BuildData buildData, Module module, Boolean withApi) in /Users/wojtek/Flax/FlaxEngine/Source/Tools/Flax.Build/Build/NativeCpp/Builder.NativeCpp.cs:line 227
   at Flax.Build.Builder.CollectModules(BuildData buildData, Module module, Boolean withApi) in /Users/wojtek/Flax/FlaxEngine/Source/Tools/Flax.Build/Build/NativeCpp/Builder.NativeCpp.cs:line 238
   at Flax.Build.Builder.CollectModules(BuildData buildData, Module module, Boolean withApi) in /Users/wojtek/Flax/FlaxEngine/Source/Tools/Flax.Build/Build/NativeCpp/Builder.NativeCpp.cs:line 257
   at Flax.Build.Builder.CollectModules(BuildData buildData, Module module, Boolean withApi) in /Users/wojtek/Flax/FlaxEngine/Source/Tools/Flax.Build/Build/NativeCpp/Builder.NativeCpp.cs:line 238
   at Flax.Build.Builder.CollectModules(BuildData buildData, Module module, Boolean withApi) in /Users/wojtek/Flax/FlaxEngine/Source/Tools/Flax.Build/Build/NativeCpp/Builder.NativeCpp.cs:line 238
   at Flax.Build.Builder.CollectModules(BuildData buildData, Module module, Boolean withApi) in /Users/wojtek/Flax/FlaxEngine/Source/Tools/Flax.Build/Build/NativeCpp/Builder.NativeCpp.cs:line 257
   at Flax.Build.Builder.CollectModules(BuildData buildData, Module module, Boolean withApi) in /Users/wojtek/Flax/FlaxEngine/Source/Tools/Flax.Build/Build/NativeCpp/Builder.NativeCpp.cs:line 257
   at Flax.Build.Builder.CollectModules(RulesAssembly rules, Platform platform, Target target, BuildOptions targetBuildOptions, Toolchain toolchain, TargetArchitecture architecture, TargetConfiguration configuration, IEnumerable`1 moduleNames) in /Users/wojtek/Flax/FlaxEngine/Source/Tools/Flax.Build/Build/NativeCpp/Builder.NativeCpp.cs:line 333
   at Flax.Build.Builder.CollectModules(RulesAssembly rules, Platform platform, Target target, BuildOptions targetBuildOptions, Toolchain toolchain, TargetArchitecture architecture, TargetConfiguration configuration) in /Users/wojtek/Flax/FlaxEngine/Source/Tools/Flax.Build/Build/NativeCpp/Builder.NativeCpp.cs:line 299
   at Flax.Build.Projects.VisualStudioCode.VisualStudioCodeProjectGenerator.GenerateSolution(Solution solution) in /Users/wojtek/Flax/FlaxEngine/Source/Tools/Flax.Build/Projects/VisualStudioCode/VisualStudioCodeProjectGenerator.cs:line 556
   at Flax.Build.Builder.GenerateProject(ProjectFormat projectFormat) in /Users/wojtek/Flax/FlaxEngine/Source/Tools/Flax.Build/Build/Builder.Projects.cs:line 656
   at Flax.Build.Builder.GenerateProjects() in /Users/wojtek/Flax/FlaxEngine/Source/Tools/Flax.Build/Build/Builder.Projects.cs:line 205
   at Flax.Build.Program.Main() in /Users/wojtek/Flax/FlaxEngine/Source/Tools/Flax.Build/Program.cs:line 145
[ 00:00:36.939 ]: [Info] Total time: 00:00:00.5196752
[ 00:00:36.941 ]: [Error] Failed to run build tool, result: 1

Thanks. This issue has been fixed on 1.9 branch and will be available in the upcoming update.

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