Hey guys I’m getting an error when I’m trying to enter playmode in the flax editor
It says:
Please provide your log file.
I can’t because Flax freezes and once I click okay, flax closes down
Your log files should be located in your project’s folder. It persists as a text file after Flax shuts down.
Here it is
Start of the log, 2022-03-11 17:28:57
[ 00:00:00.067 ]: [Info] Flax Engine
[ 00:00:00.067 ]: [Info] Platform: Windows x64 (Development)
[ 00:00:00.067 ]: [Info] Version 1.2.6224
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] Compiled: Aug 26 2021 20:37:52
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] Compiled with Visual C++ 19.16.27045.00
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] Product: Flax Editor, Company: Flax
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] Current culture: en-US
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] Command line: -project ‘C:\Users\DEACON PETER\Documents\Flax Projects\Triangle Dash’
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] Base directory: C:\Program Files (x86)/Flax/Flax_1.2
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] Temporary folder: C:\Users/DEACON~1/AppData/Local/Temp/3d23859c-4d08-ff0e-9ee3-47b456bc3c33
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] Project folder: C:\Users/DEACON PETER/Documents/Flax Projects/Triangle Dash
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] Project name: Triangle Dash
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] CPU package count: 1, Core count: 2, Logical processors: 4
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] CPU Page size: 4.0 KB, cache line size: 64 bytes
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] L1 cache: 128.0 KB, L2 cache: 512.0 KB, L3 cache: 3.0 MB
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] Clock speed: 0.01 GHz
[ 00:00:00.085 ]: [Info] Physical Memory: 3.9 GB total, 2.67 GB used (68.5%)
[ 00:00:00.086 ]: [Info] Virtual Memory: 128.0 TB total, 4.26 GB used (0.0%)
[ 00:00:00.086 ]: [Info] Main thread id: 0x27c0, Process id: 5060
[ 00:00:00.086 ]: [Info] Desktop size: X:1366.0 Y:768.0
[ 00:00:00.086 ]: [Info] Virtual Desktop size: X:0.0 Y:0.0 Width:1366.0 Height:768.0
[ 00:00:00.086 ]: [Info] Screen DPI: 96
[ 00:00:00.086 ]: [Info] Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0.19044)
[ 00:00:00.086 ]: [Info] Last project open version: 1.2.6224
[ 00:00:00.087 ]: [Info] Initialize Objects Removal Service…
[ 00:00:00.087 ]: [Info] Initialize Thread Pool…
[ 00:00:00.087 ]: [Info] Spawning 2 Thread Pool workers
[ 00:00:00.088 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Thread Pool 0’ ID=0x720 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.123 ]: [Info] Initialize Time…
[ 00:00:00.123 ]: [Info] Initialize ContentStorage…
[ 00:00:00.124 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Thread Pool 1’ ID=0xd2c started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.125 ]: [Info] Initialize JobSystem…
[ 00:00:00.125 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Job System 0’ ID=0x534 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.125 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Job System 1’ ID=0x159c started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.125 ]: [Info] Initialize Font Manager…
[ 00:00:00.125 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Job System 2’ ID=0x1a28 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.126 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Job System 3’ ID=0x24d0 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.175 ]: [Info] FreeType initialized, version: 2.10.0
[ 00:00:00.175 ]: [Info] Initialize Content…
[ 00:00:00.175 ]: [Info] Loading Asset Cache C:\Users/DEACON PETER/Documents/Flax Projects/Triangle Dash/Cache/AssetsCache.dat…
[ 00:00:00.717 ]: [Info] Asset Cache loaded 169 entries in 542 ms (0 rejected)
[ 00:00:00.717 ]: [Info] Initialize Content Loading Manager…
[ 00:00:00.717 ]: [Info] Creating 1 content loading threads…
[ 00:00:00.718 ]: [Info] Initialize Localization…
[ 00:00:00.718 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Load Thread 0’ ID=0x26bc started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.885 ]: [Info] Initialize AssetsImportingManager…
[ 00:00:00.906 ]: [Info] Initialize AssetsExportingManager…
[ 00:00:00.907 ]: [Info] Initialize Shader Cache Manager…
[ 00:00:00.965 ]: [Info] Initialize Shaders Compilation Service…
[ 00:00:00.992 ]: [Info] Thread ‘File System Watchers’ ID=0xa84 started with priority BelowNormal
[ 00:00:01.005 ]: [Info] Initialize Debug Draw…
[ 00:00:01.018 ]: [Info] Initialize GameSettings…
[ 00:00:01.436 ]: [Info] Initialize Input…
[ 00:00:01.436 ]: [Info] Initialize Audio…
[ 00:00:01.437 ]: [Info] Audio system initialization… (backend: OpenAL)
[ 00:00:01.545 ]: [Info] OpenAL version 1.19.1
[ 00:00:01.546 ]: [Info] [active] Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
[ 00:00:01.546 ]: [Info] Rebuild audio contexts
[ 00:00:01.648 ]: [Info] Rebuild audio contexts
[ 00:00:01.705 ]: [Info] Initialize Graphics…
[ 00:00:01.705 ]: [Info] Creating Graphics Device…
[ 00:00:01.745 ]: [Info] Adapter 0: ‘Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000’, DirectX 11
[ 00:00:01.745 ]: [Info] Dedicated Video Memory: 32.0 MB, Dedicated System Memory: 0.0 B, Shared System Memory: 1.72 GB, Output(s): 1
[ 00:00:01.752 ]: [Info] Adapter 1: ‘Microsoft Basic Render Driver’, DirectX 11
[ 00:00:01.752 ]: [Info] Dedicated Video Memory: 0.0 B, Dedicated System Memory: 0.0 B, Shared System Memory: 1.95 GB, Output(s): 0
[ 00:00:01.791 ]: [Info] Video output ‘\.\DISPLAY1’ 1366x768 59.635887 Hz
[ 00:00:01.808 ]: [Info] Total graphics memory: 912.0 MB
[ 00:00:01.808 ]: [Info] Graphics Device created! Adapter: ‘Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000’, Renderer: DirectX 11, Shader Profile: DirectX SM5, Feature Level: SM5
[ 00:00:01.925 ]: [Info] Initialize Windows Manager…
[ 00:00:01.926 ]: [Info] Initialize Scripting…
[ 00:00:02.093 ]: [Info] Mono debugger server at
[ 00:00:02.093 ]: [Warning] Win32::GetLastError() = 0xcb
[ 00:00:03.722 ]: [Info] Mono version: 5.20.1 (Visual Studio built mono)
[ 00:00:03.723 ]: [Info] Assembly corlib loaded in 0ms
[ 00:00:03.787 ]: [Info] Caching classes for assembly corlib took 64ms
[ 00:00:05.287 ]: [Info] Caching classes for assembly FlaxEngine took 692ms
[ 00:00:05.287 ]: [Info] Assembly FlaxEngine loaded in 1473ms
[ 00:00:06.455 ]: [Info] Using FlaxAPI in Development
[ 00:00:06.527 ]: [Info] Main render task created
[ 00:00:06.527 ]: [Info] Scripting Engine initializated! (time: 4601ms)
[ 00:00:06.527 ]: [Info] Initialize Animations…
[ 00:00:06.528 ]: [Info] Initialize Code Editing Manager…
[ 00:00:06.644 ]: [Info] Initialize Viewport Icons Renderer…
[ 00:00:06.647 ]: [Info] Initialize Scripts Builder…
[ 00:00:06.686 ]: [Info] Initialize Profiling Tools…
[ 00:00:06.686 ]: [Info] Initialize Physics…
[ 00:00:06.687 ]: [Info] Setup NVIDIA PhysX 4.1.1
[ 00:00:06.700 ]: [Info] Initialize Editor Analytics…
[ 00:00:06.701 ]: [Info] Editor analytics service is disabled.
[ 00:00:06.701 ]: [Info] Initialize Game Cooker…
[ 00:00:06.701 ]: [Info] Initialize Custom Editors Util…
[ 00:00:06.759 ]: [Info] Assembly ‘FlaxEngine’ scanned for custom editors in 58 ms
[ 00:00:06.760 ]: [Info] Initialize Render2D…
[ 00:00:06.760 ]: [Info] Initialize Renderer…
[ 00:00:06.839 ]: [Info] Initialize Scene Manager…
[ 00:00:06.839 ]: [Info] Initialize Terrain Manager…
[ 00:00:06.840 ]: [Info] Initialize Atmosphere Pre Compute…
[ 00:00:06.840 ]: [Info] Initialize Navigation…
[ 00:00:06.840 ]: [Info] Initialize Particle Manager…
[ 00:00:06.840 ]: [Info] Initialize Probes Renderer…
[ 00:00:06.840 ]: [Info] Initialize ShadowsOfMordor Builder…
[ 00:00:06.840 ]: [Info] Initialize CSG Builder…
[ 00:00:06.840 ]: [Info] Initialize Streaming…
[ 00:00:06.840 ]: [Info] Initialize Prefab Manager…
[ 00:00:06.840 ]: [Info] Initialize Screen…
[ 00:00:06.840 ]: [Info] Initialize Plugin Manager…
[ 00:00:06.840 ]: [Info] Engine services are ready!
[ 00:00:06.841 ]: [Info] Showing splash screen
[ 00:00:06.947 ]: [Info] Setting up C# Editor…
[ 00:00:08.569 ]: [Info] Loaded project Flax, version 1.2.6224
[ 00:00:08.626 ]: [Info] Loaded project Triangle Dash, version 1.0
[ 00:00:08.680 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Options.OptionsModule
[ 00:00:08.684 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ProjectCacheModule
[ 00:00:08.684 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SceneModule
[ 00:00:08.685 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.WindowsModule
[ 00:00:08.698 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.UIModule
[ 00:00:08.701 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Content.Thumbnails.ThumbnailsModule
[ 00:00:08.701 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SimulationModule
[ 00:00:08.702 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.PrefabsModule
[ 00:00:08.702 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SceneEditingModule
[ 00:00:08.702 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ContentEditingModule
[ 00:00:08.703 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ContentDatabaseModule
[ 00:00:08.704 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ContentImportingModule
[ 00:00:08.707 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.SourceCodeEditing.CodeEditingModule
[ 00:00:08.714 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ProgressReportingModule
[ 00:00:08.716 ]: [Info] Register Editor module FlaxEditor.Modules.ContentFindingModule
[ 00:00:08.725 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from to FlaxEditor.States.LoadingState
[ 00:00:08.731 ]: [Info] Editor init
[ 00:00:08.732 ]: [Info] Options file path: C:\Users\DEACON PETER\AppData\Roaming\Flax\EditorOptions.json
[ 00:00:08.732 ]: [Info] Loading editor options
[ 00:00:09.588 ]: [Info] Editor options changed!
[ 00:00:10.935 ]: [Info] Project database created. Items count: 221
[ 00:00:10.938 ]: [Info] Previews cache count: 1 (capacity for 225 icons)
[ 00:00:10.943 ]: [Info] Add code editor System Default
[ 00:00:10.943 ]: [Info] Add code editor Visual Studio 2019
[ 00:00:10.944 ]: [Info] Add code editor Default
[ 00:00:10.945 ]: [Info] Select code editor Visual Studio 2019
[ 00:00:11.074 ]: [Info] Starting scripts compilation…
[ 00:00:11.174 ]: [Info] Command: “C:\Program Files (x86)/Flax/Flax_1.2/Binaries/Tools/Flax.Build.exe” -log -logfile= -build -mutex -buildtargets=GameEditorTarget -skiptargets=FlaxEditor -platform=Windows -arch=x64 -configuration=Development
[ 00:00:17.495 ]: [Info] Flax.Build 1.0.7908
[ 00:00:24.822 ]: [Info] Building targets…
[ 00:00:24.943 ]: [Info] Found Android SDK at C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk
[ 00:00:24.947 ]: [Info] Missing Linux Toolchain. Cannot build for Linux platform.
[ 00:00:25.063 ]: [Info] Missing Windows SDK. Cannot build for Windows platform.
[ 00:00:25.067 ]: [Info] Building C# only
Building target GameEditorTarget in Development for Windows x64
[ 00:00:25.105 ]: [Info] Building referenced target Flax
[ 00:00:28.203 ]: [Info] Building for Windows without Vulkan rendering backend (Vulkan SDK is missing)
Building for Windows without DirectX 12 rendering backend (Windows 10 SDK is required)
[ 00:00:32.950 ]: [Info] Found 3 valid and 0 invalid actions in Task Graph cache
[ 00:00:32.961 ]: [Info] Done!
Total time: 00:00:15.4785083
[ 00:00:32.988 ]: [Info] Scripts reloading start
[ 00:00:33.018 ]: [Info] Loading binary modules from build info file C:\Users/DEACON PETER/Documents/Flax Projects/Triangle Dash/Binaries/GameEditorTarget/Windows/x64/Development/GameEditorTarget.Build.json
[ 00:00:33.019 ]: [Info] Loading binary module Game
[ 00:00:33.045 ]: [Info] Caching classes for assembly Game took 0ms
[ 00:00:33.045 ]: [Info] Assembly Game loaded in 26ms
[ 00:00:33.048 ]: [Info] Assembly ‘Game’ scanned for custom editors in 0 ms
[ 00:00:33.048 ]: [Info] Scripts reloading end. Total time: 60ms
[ 00:00:33.058 ]: [Info] Editor end init
[ 00:00:33.060 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.LoadingState to FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState
[ 00:00:33.545 ]: [Info] Loading editor windows layout from ‘C:\Users/DEACON PETER/Documents/Flax Projects/Triangle Dash/Cache/WindowsLayout.xml’
[ 00:00:34.025 ]: [Info] Closing splash screen
[ 00:00:34.030 ]: [Info] Loading default project scene
[ 00:00:34.038 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState to FlaxEditor.States.ChangingScenesState
[ 00:00:34.055 ]: [Info] Loading scene…
[ 00:00:34.055 ]: [Info] Loading 1 lightmap(s)
[ 00:00:34.144 ]: [Info] Created graph for scene ‘Scene’ in 32 ms
[ 00:00:34.146 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.ChangingScenesState to FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState
[ 00:00:34.148 ]: [Info] Scene loaded in 93 ms
[ 00:00:34.956 ]: [Info] Starting Atmosphere Pre Compute service
[ 00:00:52.658 ]: [Info] Found Game.PlayerControls type for type PlayerControls (assembly Game)
[ 00:00:53.075 ]: [Info] Found Game.PlayerControls type for type PlayerControls (assembly Game)
[ 00:00:53.109 ]: [Info] Rendered 31 frames during DoDragDrop stall.
[ 00:01:02.567 ]: [Info] Rendered 63 frames during DoDragDrop stall.
[ 00:01:06.686 ]: [Info] Rendered 56 frames during DoDragDrop stall.
[ 00:01:18.705 ]: [Info] [PlayMode] Start
[ 00:01:18.721 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState to FlaxEditor.States.PlayingState
[ 00:01:18.724 ]: [Info] Apply game settings
[ 00:01:18.730 ]: [Info] Collecting scene data
[ 00:01:18.731 ]: [Info] Saving scene Scene to bytes
[ 00:01:18.763 ]: [Info] Scene saved! Time 32 ms
[ 00:01:18.764 ]: [Info] Cleanup graph for scene ‘Scene’
[ 00:01:18.768 ]: [Info] Unloding 1 lightmap(s)
[ 00:01:18.768 ]: [Info] Gathered 1 scene(s)!
[ 00:01:18.770 ]: [Info] Creating scenes
[ 00:01:18.771 ]: [Info] Loading scene…
[ 00:01:18.771 ]: [Info] Loading 1 lightmap(s)
[ 00:01:18.799 ]: [Info] Created graph for scene ‘Scene’ in 1 ms
[ 00:01:18.799 ]: [Info] Scene loaded in 28 ms
[ 00:01:18.813 ]: [Info] [PlayMode] Enter
[ 00:01:20.832 ]: [Info] [PlayMode] Stop
[ 00:01:20.850 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.PlayingState to FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState
[ 00:01:20.852 ]: [Info] Restoring scene data
[ 00:01:20.852 ]: [Info] Cleanup graph for scene ‘Scene’
00:01:20.855 : [Error] Critical error! Reason: Unhandled exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION writing address 0x148
00:01:20.855 : [Error]
[ 00:01:20.880 ]: [Error] Stack trace:
[ 00:01:20.880 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe 0x7ff6183ec0a4
[ 00:01:20.880 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe 0x7ff61873bedb
[ 00:01:20.880 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe 0x7ff61872a2f4
[ 00:01:20.881 ]: [Error] at 0x241e27f31aa
[ 00:01:20.881 ]: [Error] at 0x241cd5e2de0
[ 00:01:20.881 ]: [Error]
[ 00:01:20.881 ]: [Error] Used Physical Memory: 2.67 GB (68%)
[ 00:01:20.881 ]: [Error] Used Virtual Memory: 4.8500000000000005 GB (0%)
[ 00:01:20.881 ]: [Error] Process Used Physical Memory: 280.64 MB
[ 00:01:20.881 ]: [Error] Process Used Virtual Memory: 614.8000000000001 MB
[ 00:01:20.881 ]: [Error] Creating Mini Dump to C:\Users/DEACON PETER/Documents/Flax Projects/Triangle Dash/Logs/Crash_2022_03_11_17_28_57/Minidump.dmp
[ 00:01:23.741 ]: [Error]
@mafiesto4 Looks like a memory bug in Flax Engine. Is this reproducible? You might want to file a bug report on the GitHib repo.
Is this a problem that only exists in a single project?
No, with others too, it can be really annoying
I haven’t been able to make tutorials because of this
Yeah, then this sounds like either an install flaw, or an engine bug.
@DevXtreme Could you try this with 1.3 version? It might be fixed or at least we can get more accurate crash location.