Flax Launcher Update 28

Flax Launcher update available with various new features, better usability, and fixes for the latest .NET 8.

Displaying engine version that was used to open project (upper right corner of project thumbnail):

Updated UI for selected engine version to be more visible:



  • Add support for new editor title search in processes
  • Add support for .NET 8 detection to be compatible with Flax 1.7 or newer
  • Add future update of Flax 1.8 as the first .NET 8 version
  • Add caching last selected projects directory and reusing it when creating another project
  • Add solid outline instead of subtle shadow to the selected engine version
  • Add an info box UI element to project thumbnail with engine version number that was last time used to open it
  • Fix default location of the engine installation to match launcher location on drive
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Does this launcher work with MacOS? I always understood the launcher to be Windows only, so that’s why I’m asking.

Currently, it’s a Windows-only app but we plan to improve this area for other platforms (macOS and Linux). We will include project management utilities in the Editor itself or port the Launcher to those platforms.