FlaxEngine UI resizing

Alright. I poked around some more. There is definitely some issue around the x and y of the control transform changing when you resize the viewport, which gives off weird results.

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I almost cried because you were so patient with me! you helped me a lot. (thanks clang programmer :sunglasses:)

What am I supposed to do now? should I post to Github issues? Are you part of the contributors and can I let you report or even correct? :thinking:

I have an open GitHub issue with something similar. I added it to that. You can feel free to open an issue as well or add your videos and experience to this issue. https://github.com/FlaxEngine/FlaxEngine/issues/977

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Thank you, you already reported :relieved:
Now just have to be patient and wait until one day it’s solved, At this moment I think if I was a genius like @mafiesto4 I would have already solved it :joy:!

Hey, yeah the newly added Editor Viewport resolution/aspect override doesn’t work properly with Game Viewport UI, the same applies to control outline when using Canvas scaler. That’s on a roadmap for UI to improve the workflow.

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You are my hero :pleading_face:, I’m waiting for you to fix it :blush:, I see you work on Flax 1.6, I hope it’s fixed in version 1.6 and if it isn’t I’ll keep waiting!

Fixed control outline issue when using Canvas Scaler: Fix UI Control selection highlights when using Canvas Scaler · FlaxEngine/FlaxEngine@44036a2 · GitHub (will be included in the upcoming Flax 1.6)

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I love you @mafiesto4 im very happy :blush: