Game scripts not included in Visual Studio solution

Fellow developers,

I have the problem that the scripts in the Source/Game folder do not seem to be included in the Visual Studio solution and when I open the files in Visual Studio, IntelliSense does not work. It only works for the Build scripts.

Reproduction steps

  • Flax Engine 1.9, Visual Studio 2022 and the “Flax Engine Tools for Visual Studio” extension is installed
  • I open the Third Person sample for example and do no changes
  • I open ThirdPersonShooter.sln with Visual Studio

Screenshot flax

I would expect the solution to include the files in Source/Game but it only has a BuildScript project that has the Build related files. If I switch from Solution View to Folder View and open one of the game script files, Intellisense does not work.

When I open a script file from the Flax editor, it opens the script in Visual Studio Code where Intellisense also doesn’t work and it automatically creates a ThirdPersonShooter.code-workspace file that is empty. When I open the game project folder with Visual Studio Code and then open a game script, I get a warning
“The active document is not part of the open workspace. Not all language features will be available”

The sample can be built and runs correctly.

Can someone help?

Result may depends, but you can recreate the .sln file at any time with menu.

You might have at least one C# project named ‘Game’ when generation properly completed.

Hi, thanks for the response. I had tried that already but the result was the same. What helped was watching this video:

The thing that was missing on my computer was the
MSVC v141 - VS 2017 C++ build tool
component because I have VS2022 installed. Since I installed the component and let Flax recreate the .sln file, it has a Game project with the Game scripts in it and code completion works.

You seems having C++ codes in your project path.
Flax engine can be installed and executable without C++ build chain because C++ is not essential,
but you need MSVC v140 or newer toolset to use C++ scripting.

You can check the requirements in document (C++ Scripting | Flax Documentation)