GamePlugin Description Minimum Engine Version?

Hello Flaxxers, is there an option to describe the minimum Flax Engine version supported by a GamePlugin? I did not see it in the PluginDescription and believe it to be quite important.

Since you would typically distribute a GamePlugin/EditorPlugin inside a Flax project, you can use the ‘MinEngineVersion’ field on the project file.

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Hi @MineBill! Thanks for the quick response. I took a look into the Flax Project settings and there is a bit of an overlap between Project Settings and Plugin Settings (Such as name, version and author/company). I assume that in case of plugins, the pluginDescription gets used. Does MinEngineVersion get considered when the plugin is being imported to another Flax Game Project using the git importer?

I believe the plugin importer just does a clone and adds a reference to the cloned project in your project file. If one of the references has a higher engine version requirement that the currently running engine, then the project load will fail, explaining why. I can’t comment on the settings overlap, it entirely depends on how mafiesto envisioned this feature to work.

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