Generate procedural models in C++

Hi all! I modified the example code “Generate procedural models” from C# to C++ (see below). But the object that the script generates is not displayed in the game. Can anyone please help me find what I did wrong?

#include "cpp04.h"

cpp04::cpp04(const SpawnParams& params)
    : Script(params)
    // Enable ticking OnUpdate function
    _tickUpdate = true;

void cpp04::OnEnable()
    const int32 meshesCountPerLod = 1;
    Span<int32> spanMeshesCountPerLod(&meshesCountPerLod, sizeof(int32));

    _tplModel = Content::CreateVirtualAsset<Model>();

    auto targetActor = GetActor();
    String msg = String::Format(
        TEXT(" ~~~ Actor Name: {0}"),
    LOG_STR(Info, msg);

    auto childModel = targetActor->GetOrAddChild<StaticModel>();
    childModel->Model = _tplModel;

    childModel->SetMaterial(0, myMaterial);

void cpp04::UpdateMesh(Mesh& mesh)
  const float Width =  1.1f;
  const float Depth =  1.1f;
  const float Height = 0.8f;

  const float X = Width/2;
  const float Z = Depth/2;
  const float Y = Height/2;

  // Normals directions
  auto F = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f ); // Face
  auto T = Vector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); // Top
  auto L = Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); // Left
  auto G = Vector3( 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f ); // Ground
  auto B = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); // Back
  auto R = Vector3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); // Right

  // Vertices coordinates
  auto V0 = Vector3(-X,-Y,-Z); //   3--------7   y
  auto V1 = Vector3(-X,-Y, Z); //  /|       /|   | z
  auto V2 = Vector3(-X, Y,-Z); // 2--------6 |   |/
  auto V3 = Vector3(-X, Y, Z); // | |      | |  -+--- x
  auto V4 = Vector3( X,-Y,-Z); // | 1------|-5  /|
  auto V5 = Vector3( X,-Y, Z); // |/       |/
  auto V6 = Vector3( X, Y,-Z); // 0--------4
  auto V7 = Vector3( X, Y, Z);

  Float3 vertices[] = {
    V0, V2, V6, V6, V4, V0, // Face
    V2, V3, V7, V7, V6, V2, // Top
    V4, V6, V5, V6, V7, V5, // Left
    V0, V4, V5, V5, V1, V0, // Ground
    V1, V5, V7, V7, V3, V1, // Back
    V2, V1, V3, V1, V2, V0, // Right

  Float3 normals[] = {
    F,F,F,F,F,F, // Face
    T,T,T,T,T,T, // Top
    L,L,L,L,L,L, // Left
    G,G,G,G,G,G, // Ground
    B,B,B,B,B,B, // Back
    R,R,R,R,R,R, // Right

  uint32 triangles[] = {

  if (mesh.UpdateMesh(
            36,    // uint32 vertexCount
            12,    // uint32 triangleCount
            vertices, triangles, normals)) LOG(Warning, " ~~~ Mesh NOT updated.");
  else LOG(Info, " ~~~ Mesh updated: OK.");
#pragma once

#include "Engine/Content/Asset.h"
#include "Engine/Content/Assets/Material.h"
#include "Engine/Content/Assets/MaterialBase.h"
#include "Engine/Content/Assets/Model.h"
#include "Engine/Content/Cache/AssetsCache.h"
#include "Engine/Content/Content.h"
#include "Engine/Core/Common.h"
#include "Engine/Core/Log.h"
#include "Engine/Core/Math/Transform.h"
#include "Engine/Core/Math/Vector3.h"
#include "Engine/Engine/Screen.h"
#include "Engine/Engine/Time.h"
#include "Engine/Input/Input.h"
#include "Engine/Level/Actor.h"
#include "Engine/Level/Actors/StaticModel.h"
#include "Engine/Level/Actors/Camera.h"
#include "Engine/Level/Level.h"
#include "Engine/Physics/Actors/RigidBody.h"
#include "Engine/Physics/CollisionData.h"
#include "Engine/Physics/Colliders/CharacterController.h"
#include "Engine/Physics/Colliders/SphereCollider.h"
#include "Engine/Scripting/Script.h"

API_CLASS() class GAME_API cpp04 : public Script

        AssetReference<Model> _tplModel = nullptr;

        API_FIELD() AssetReference<MaterialBase> myMaterial = nullptr;

    void OnEnable() override;
    void UpdateMesh(Mesh& mesh);
Output log
[ 00:02:48.957 ]: [Info] [PlayMode] Start
[ 00:02:48.976 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState to FlaxEditor.States.PlayingState
[ 00:02:48.976 ]: [Info] Apply game settings
[ 00:02:48.976 ]: [Info] Collecting scene data
[ 00:02:48.976 ]: [Info] Saving scene Scene to bytes
[ 00:02:48.977 ]: [Info] Scene saved! Time 1 ms
[ 00:02:48.977 ]: [Info] Cleanup graph for scene 'Scene'
[ 00:02:48.977 ]: [Info] Unloding 1 lightmap(s)
[ 00:02:48.977 ]: [Info] Gathered 1 scene(s)!
[ 00:02:48.978 ]: [Info] Creating scenes
[ 00:02:48.978 ]: [Info] Loading scene...
[ 00:02:48.978 ]: [Info] Loading 1 lightmap(s)
[ 00:02:48.987 ]: [Info]  ~~~ Actor Name: GenMeshActor
[ 00:02:48.987 ]: [Info]  ~~~ Mesh updated: OK.
[ 00:02:48.987 ]: [Info] Created graph for scene 'Scene' in 0 ms
[ 00:02:48.987 ]: [Info] Scene loaded in 9 ms
[ 00:02:48.988 ]: [Info] [PlayMode] Enter
[ 00:02:51.291 ]: [Info] [PlayMode] Stop
[ 00:02:51.308 ]: [Info] Changing editor state from FlaxEditor.States.PlayingState to FlaxEditor.States.EditingSceneState
[ 00:02:51.308 ]: [Info] Restoring scene data
[ 00:02:51.308 ]: [Info] Cleanup graph for scene 'Scene'
[ 00:02:51.308 ]: [Info] Unloding 1 lightmap(s)
[ 00:02:51.308 ]: [Info] Loading scene...
[ 00:02:51.308 ]: [Info] Loading 1 lightmap(s)
[ 00:02:51.308 ]: [Info] Created graph for scene 'Scene' in 0 ms
[ 00:02:51.308 ]: [Info] Scene loaded in 0 ms
[ 00:02:51.308 ]: [Info] Restored previous scenes
[ 00:02:51.309 ]: [Info] [PlayMode] Exit