How to change scene context menu behaviour

I’m experimenting with using Flax as a pre-processor for MuJoCo, re-creating the MuJoCo xml model structure as custom actors in the scene view. The user can add and delete these custom actors. The names of the actors reflect their MuJoCo xml elements and some significant attribute values (for easy browsing). I will let these be edited by the user in the Actor properties window, but I do not want to have the users change the names of the actors in the scene (e.g. via right click rename or pressing F2). I would like to achieve this without a custom build of Flax (i.e. modifying the context menu code).

I want to do this in the editor, not use Flax to create a run time standalone editor.

So… is there a way to modify the behaviour of the scene context menu without rebuilding Flax?

Edit: Bah. And a way to lock/hide it in the properties window? I can’t make it readonly as it needs to change.