I imported a vehicle in .fbx format whose model has separate parts like tires for example, I would like to be able to manipulate these “sub-objects”" and I don’t know how to do it because in the editor all the models don’t have a relative/child that represents another “sub-model /parts of model” is like converting a whole separate model to .obj
In the import settings there is an option to split models, but the downside is that it splits the models into different models in the content browser
If I analyzed it correctly what happens is that you must reassemble the fixed/static parts in a model in a prefab, and separate the dynamic parts in other prefabs because flax separates all objects as if they were different imports. with the fixed/dynamic parts separated in prefabs you reassemble everything in the scene and you can manipulate parts of the main model since they are in the scene and as different objects
When people want to split a model, they don’t mean that they want each component of the model, but still a whole model with some flexibility to modify some properties of the component ( ex: change the position of furniture in a house model)
In unity, the imported model would be packed in a prefab with original model name. User can use both as a whole model or retrieve single element from the prefab.
However, flex engine just makes each separated part a single file, which is totally nonsense in practical view.
I would say the functionality is amazing, for modular objects, but the problem is just being able to have this method of use. If the unit said this feature, nobody would criticize it because people would use this functionality for specific projects, like separating a modular home into several different objects. We agree that having only this means of use, which is quite rudimentary, is not very efficient for most projects where it is often a case of adjusting the position/rotation/scale of a child objective that can be a 3d ex mesh. adjust the position of the mesh… like in my example I just wanted to be able to manipulate the position and rotation of the wheels of a vehicle and I have to assemble an expensive high poly in prefabs just to be able to manipulate the wheels, for that I have to separate this model, and you can’t texture one part of the 3d sub-object because you don’t have control over, eg changing the color of the steering wheel, without changing all the objects that use the same material. In short, you can’t want Flax to be a clone of Unity, but some standard behaviors would be good if you adopted Flax, for example. be able to attach more than one component in one. Actor: I notice that some components like Wheel Vehicle have two components: Rigidbody and a Wheel Vehicle, this makes the components more complete. on the other hand I can’t attach a Rigidbody with a Model, why don’t we have the option to customize an actor if not just attaching scripts, example like what I just said gives me a feeling that it was purposely planned not to be identical to the unit. anyway “Flax is not Unity and unity is not Flax. we have to adapt to each tool, but that doesn’t mean we have to accept everything”. @gino0717 @mafiesto4