How to Spawn Prefabs?

I can’t find a tutorial/example of how to spawn a prefab in game. If anyone can help, that would be great.

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Check out the docs. They have some pretty good examples! Basically you will want to have a member variable in a script of type Prefab and then use the PrefabManager.Spawn() function to spawn the prefab.


To spawn prefabs, you can’t use

Actor objToSpawn;
GameObject objToSpawn;

But you’ll need to use:

Prefab objToSpawn;

Then call the spawn method from PrefabManager:

override void Start()
   PrefabManager.Spawn(objToSpawn, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.Indetity);

Does the type have to be Prefab, or can it be the name of the Prefab?

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The type will have to be Prefab and then you can select your prefab in the editor.

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Type matters, actually not the name.
If your Prefabs name is, “AI Base”
You can’t do
AIBase objToSpawn
You still use name
Prefab objToSpawn
Don’t forget to use
[Serialize, ShowInEditor]
Otherwise, you can’t assign the Prefab to objToSpawn in the Flax Editor.
Do something like this:

[Serialize, ShowInEditor]
Prefab objToSpawn
override void Start()
   PrefabManager.Spawn(objToSpawn, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.Indetity);

I hope it makes you clear :sunglasses:


Thanks for the excellent summary. Yes, it is very clear now.