I can't open any example project

I can’t open any example project .
My CPU IS Intel® core™, i5-2520M CPU ,Intel® HD Graphics 3000
windows 10, DirectX 12
When I create new project or open example fail, There error in log file

[ 00:00:02.315 ]: [Info] Command: “E:\dev2/Flax/Engine/Flax_1.0/Binaries/Tools/Flax.Build.exe” -log -logfile= -build -mutex -buildtargets=BasicTemplateEditorTarget -skiptargets=FlaxEditor -platform=Windows -arch=x64 -configuration=Development
[ 00:00:04.501 ]: [Info] Flax.Build 1.0.7699
00:00:04.661 : [Fatal] DirectX error: E_INVALIDARG at c:\flax\flaxengine\source\engine\graphicsdevice\directx\dx11\gpushaderdx11.cpp:142

00:00:04.661 : [Error] Critical error! Reason: DirectX error: E_INVALIDARG at c:\flax\flaxengine\source\engine\graphicsdevice\directx\dx11\gpushaderdx11.cpp:142
00:00:04.661 : [Error]

In documenti found below descript, Is my environment not supported? Ma I should to do?

GPU Drivers
Please ensure to have the latest GPU drivers installed. Helper links:

NVIDIA drivers
AMD drivers

You could try to run the Debug build and use DirectX 10 with<flax_install>/Binaries/Editor/Win64/Debug/FlaxEditor.exe -dx10 and see if it will print more info. But probably GPU is not supported (dx10 might run tho).


You really cant use an on-board video adapter, to use Flex or any other game engine, or any decent games. Spend the money, and grab a good video card. :slight_smile:

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After changing a computer, now it works very well, great game development tools, thanks

Thank you for your help. I can work now