I have a problem of error during working with game cooker

00:01:06.046 : [Error] Critical error! Reason: Unhandled exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0xd5860000
00:01:06.046 : [Error]
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] Stack trace:
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] at VCRUNTIME140.dll 0x7fffa99a162e
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!GPUTextureDX11::GetData() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\GraphicsDevice\DirectX\DX11\GPUTextureDX11.cpp:line 598
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!GPUTexture::DownloadData() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Graphics\Textures\GPUTexture.cpp:line 714
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!Task::Execute() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Threading\Task.cpp:line 148
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!ThreadPool::ThreadProc() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Threading\ThreadPool.cpp:line 114
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!ThreadBase::Run() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Platform\Base\ThreadBase.cpp:line 94
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!Win32Thread::ThreadProc() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Platform\Win32\Win32Thread.cpp:line 103
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] at KERNEL32.DLL 0x7fffbeab7034
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] at ntdll.dll 0x7fffbfea2651
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error]
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] Used Physical Memory: 4.8500000000000005 GB (17%)
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] Used Virtual Memory: 5.13 GB (0%)
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] Process Used Physical Memory: 527.45 MB
[ 00:01:06.185 ]: [Error] Process Used Virtual Memory: 787.96 MB
[ 00:01:06.186 ]: [Error] Creating Mini Dump to C:\Users/moh/Documents/Flax Projects/MyProject/Logs/Crash_2022_06_17_01_13_52/Minidump.dmp
[ 00:01:06.515 ]: [Error]

also tried with directx 12 argument at start of editor crashed with same error
but with vulkan argument i get this error
00:06:50.241 : [Fatal] Vulkan error: VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY at F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\GraphicsDevice\Vulkan\GPUSwapChainVulkan.cpp:392

00:06:50.241 : [Error] Critical error! Reason: Vulkan error: VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY at F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\GraphicsDevice\Vulkan\GPUSwapChainVulkan.cpp:392

I remember seeing similar error from one of the users with some Intel integrated GPU. Could you post a whole log file?

Start of the log, 2022-06-17 01:57:14

[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Flax Engine
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Platform: Windows x64 (Development)
[ 00:00:00.004 ]: [Info] Version 1.3.6228
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Compiled: Mar 2 2022 20:24:23
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Compiled with Visual C++ 19.30.30709.00
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Product: Flax Editor, Company: Flax
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Current culture: en-US
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Command line: -project ‘C:\Users\moh\Documents\Flax Projects\MyProject’ -d3d12
[ 00:00:00.005 ]: [Info] Base directory: C:\Program Files (x86)/Flax/Flax_1.3
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] Temporary folder: C:\Users/moh/AppData/Local/Temp/0ff1d56d-4bb4-22a1-986a-0088a976372d
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] Project folder: C:\Users/moh/Documents/Flax Projects/MyProject
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] Project name: MyProject
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] CPU package count: 1, Core count: 4, Logical processors: 8
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] CPU Page size: 4.0 KB, cache line size: 64 bytes
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] L1 cache: 256.0 KB, L2 cache: 1.0 MB, L3 cache: 8.0 MB
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] Clock speed: 0.01 GHz
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] Physical Memory: 27.85 GB total, 6.59 GB used (23.67%)
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] Virtual Memory: 128.0 TB total, 4.26 GB used (0.0%)
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] Main thread id: 0x1e74, Process id: 5796
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] Desktop size: X:1920.0 Y:1080.0
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] Virtual Desktop size: X:0.0 Y:0.0 Width:1920.0 Height:1080.0
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] Screen DPI: 96
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit (10.0.19044)
[ 00:00:00.006 ]: [Info] Last project open version: 1.3.6228
[ 00:00:00.007 ]: [Info] Initialize Objects Removal Service…
[ 00:00:00.007 ]: [Info] Initialize Thread Pool…
[ 00:00:00.007 ]: [Info] Spawning 3 Thread Pool workers
[ 00:00:00.007 ]: [Info] Initialize Time…
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Initialize ContentStorage…
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Thread Pool 1’ ID=0x34f0 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Thread Pool 2’ ID=0x2be4 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.007 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Thread Pool 0’ ID=0x3b08 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Initialize JobSystem…
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Job System 1’ ID=0x2e18 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Job System 2’ ID=0x1384 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Initialize Font Manager…
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Job System 5’ ID=0x3ba4 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Job System 0’ ID=0x2f04 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Job System 3’ ID=0x994 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Job System 4’ ID=0x3314 started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] FreeType initialized, version: 2.10.0
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Job System 6’ ID=0x3a8c started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Job System 7’ ID=0x2cbc started with priority AboveNormal
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Initialize Content…
[ 00:00:00.008 ]: [Info] Loading Asset Cache C:\Users/moh/Documents/Flax Projects/MyProject/Cache/AssetsCache.dat…
[ 00:00:00.018 ]: [Info] Asset Cache loaded 168 entries in 10 ms (0 rejected)
[ 00:00:00.018 ]: [Info] Initialize Content Loading Manager…
[ 00:00:00.018 ]: [Info] Creating 4 content loading threads…
[ 00:00:00.018 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Load Thread 0’ ID=0x2c98 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.018 ]: [Info] Initialize Localization…
[ 00:00:00.018 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Load Thread 1’ ID=0x2134 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.018 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Load Thread 2’ ID=0x3884 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.018 ]: [Info] Thread ‘Load Thread 3’ ID=0x3a10 started with priority Normal
[ 00:00:00.040 ]: [Info] Initialize AssetsImportingManager…
[ 00:00:00.040 ]: [Info] Initialize AssetsExportingManager…
[ 00:00:00.040 ]: [Info] Initialize Shader Cache Manager…
[ 00:00:00.041 ]: [Info] Initialize Shaders Compilation Service…
[ 00:00:00.041 ]: [Info] Thread ‘File System Watchers’ ID=0x2f84 started with priority BelowNormal
[ 00:00:00.041 ]: [Info] Initialize Debug Draw…
[ 00:00:00.041 ]: [Info] Initialize GameSettings…
[ 00:00:00.042 ]: [Info] Initialize Input…
[ 00:00:00.042 ]: [Info] Initialize Audio…
[ 00:00:00.042 ]: [Info] Audio system initialization… (backend: OpenAL)
[ 00:00:00.054 ]: [Info] Rebuild audio contexts
[ 00:00:00.261 ]: [Info] Rebuild audio contexts
[ 00:00:00.431 ]: [Info] OpenAL Soft (1.1 ALSOFT 1.19.1)
[ 00:00:00.431 ]: [Info] [active] Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)
[ 00:00:00.431 ]: [Info] DELL S2440L (Intel(R) Display Audio)
[ 00:00:00.431 ]: [Info] Initialize Graphics…

[ 00:00:00.431 ]: [Info] Creating Graphics Device…
[ 00:00:00.451 ]: [Info] Adapter 0: ‘Intel(R) HD Graphics 530’, DirectX 12
[ 00:00:00.451 ]: [Info] Dedicated Video Memory: 128.0 MB, Dedicated System Memory: 0.0 B, Shared System Memory: 13.93 GB, Output(s): 1
[ 00:00:00.453 ]: [Info] Adapter 1: ‘Microsoft Basic Render Driver’, DirectX 12
[ 00:00:00.453 ]: [Info] Dedicated Video Memory: 0.0 B, Dedicated System Memory: 0.0 B, Shared System Memory: 13.93 GB, Output(s): 0
[ 00:00:00.455 ]: [Info] Video output ‘\.\DISPLAY1’ 1920x1080 59.94006 Hz
[ 00:00:00.492 ]: [Info] Tiled Resources Tier: 3
[ 00:00:00.492 ]: [Info] Resource Binding Tier: 3
[ 00:00:00.492 ]: [Info] Conservative Rasterization Tier: 3
[ 00:00:00.492 ]: [Info] Resource Heap Tier: 2

00:00:00.493 : [Error] Critical error! Reason: Unhandled exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x54
00:00:00.493 : [Error]
[ 00:00:00.645 ]: [Error] Stack trace:
[ 00:00:00.645 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!RenderToolsDX::GetD3DErrorString() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\GraphicsDevice\DirectX\RenderToolsDX.h:line 223
[ 00:00:00.645 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!RenderToolsDX::LogD3DResult() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\GraphicsDevice\DirectX\RenderToolsDX.h:line 265
[ 00:00:00.645 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!CommandQueueDX12::Init() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\GraphicsDevice\DirectX\DX12\CommandQueueDX12.cpp:line 114
[ 00:00:00.645 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!GPUDeviceDX12::Init() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\GraphicsDevice\DirectX\DX12\GPUDeviceDX12.cpp:line 378
[ 00:00:00.645 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!GPUDeviceDX12::Create() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\GraphicsDevice\DirectX\DX12\GPUDeviceDX12.cpp:line 159
[ 00:00:00.645 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!GraphicsService::Init() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Graphics\Graphics.cpp:line 103
[ 00:00:00.645 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!EngineService::OnInit() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\EngineService.cpp:line 93
[ 00:00:00.645 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!Engine::Main() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Engine\Engine.cpp:line 129
[ 00:00:00.645 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!wWinMain() in F:\FlaxEngine\Source\Engine\Main\Windows\main.cpp:line 46
[ 00:00:00.645 ]: [Error] at FlaxEditor.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() in d:\a01_work\20\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:line 288
[ 00:00:00.645 ]: [Error] at KERNEL32.DLL 0x7fffbeab7034
[ 00:00:00.646 ]: [Error] at ntdll.dll 0x7fffbfea2651
[ 00:00:00.646 ]: [Error]
[ 00:00:00.646 ]: [Error] Used Physical Memory: 6.67 GB (23%)
[ 00:00:00.646 ]: [Error] Used Virtual Memory: 4.51 GB (0%)
[ 00:00:00.646 ]: [Error] Process Used Physical Memory: 100.34 MB
[ 00:00:00.646 ]: [Error] Process Used Virtual Memory: 245.73000000000002 MB
[ 00:00:00.646 ]: [Error] Creating Mini Dump to C:\Users/moh/Documents/Flax Projects/MyProject/Logs/Crash_2022_06_17_01_57_14/Minidump.dmp
[ 00:00:00.742 ]: [Error]

I uploaded all three logs in a rar archive in my drive

log of normal, vulkan, x12

That’s an issue with Intel GPU driver. Maybe you could try to update it? Additionally, you could run FlaxEditor in Debug mode: use executable Binaries/Editor/Win64/Debug/FlaxEditor.exe - this debug build contains more logging and enables D3D Debug Layer so we might get more info about the problem.

However, the log from Vulkan runs hints at the problem: Vulkan error: VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY. So your GPU might not have enough memory.

1 Like

I have the same problem in my system, if we have less memory in our GPU, why can we export our games in Unity, Godot, and other Game Engine, it doesn’t make any sense… Please fix this!!

yes actually unigine works pretty much good with my intel graphics with no problem and good fps
this is something specific related to flax engine and intel technologies

I also can’t build, I built twice on this same system ,but now anytime I try to build it gives an error

That is strange. It must be related to Intel GPUs, because I can build with no problems with my RTX 2060. I wonder if it has something to do with a recent driver, if you could previously build?