Linux: "Repository was not cloned using Git LFS" but it really, really was

Despite having installed the git-lfs pacman pkg, I got this:

 [~/g/FlaxEngine]> ./ 
Generating Flax Engine project files...
CallBuildTool ERROR: Repository was not cloned using Git LFS

from all these git-clone attempts into ~/g/FlaxEngine (each time afterwards of course deleting the cloned FlaxEngine folder under ~/g/ before another attempt) :

  • git clone
  • git lfs clone
  • git clone --recursive
  • git clone --recursive && cd FlaxEngine && git lfs fetch --all

Any ideas, anyone? Didn’t know I was unfit-to-git all of a sudden. But doesn’t seem to be a prob for anyone else clearly.

Newly set up Arch Linux, all dependencies installed as listed by the

To check if the Git LFS clone was successful, we basically test if the file at Source/Logo.png has been cloned successfully.

Could you check if that file is a proper png file on your machine? If it is, then chances are that we messed up the bash script logic at