Movement speed in the editor


I just got to know this engine and I’m trying it out, but I’ve found the inconvenience that moving around the 3D environment is too slow. If I want to rotate or scroll the view in the editor it is very slow, I saw that there are some options in the configuration, but I have been changing them and nothing happens.

Is it a bug or is there a way to increase the speed?

I am using version 1.3 (windows 10 64 bit)

Sorry for my English, I’m using google translate.

All the best

Go under tools - options - Go to the viewport section you will see options to edit this there

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There should also be an option in the Editor window at the top righ-hand corner to increase your base movememnt speed. Holding shift also increases your speed.

Also, welcome to the Flax Community! :hugs:

Don’t worry about the English. It’s actually very good.


Changing to different values I have managed to make it move a little better, but I do not feel a fluid movement.

google translate works great :slight_smile:


I feel like that’s something that should be improved on. The editor fly camera is not smooth at all.

Sorry to piggyback on here but regarding movement, is there a way to move into the editor like moving in a free camera sample project? Sometime I really need to move and and explore the level and the TO/LEFT/RIGHT/DOWN or current default way of moving are not really that comfortable…

If you hold the right mouse button down it is pretty much a free camera - move the mouse to look around WASD to move + QE to move up/down from the current orientation. Working on terrain, I have the view speed => (top right of editor window) set to 8, shift accelerates this further.

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@ftkguy @AlTheSlacker
Some of us are currently working on improving the viewport, its widgets and the gizmos. The camera settings will also be updated to allow setting minimum and maximum speed values, having free control over the actual speed of the camera and easing will be added to the camera speed when using RMB + mouse wheel to increase/decrease the speed, which should allow for more precise control. :slight_smile:

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Thank you, yes indeed, I don’t know how I could miss this…pretty much like a free camera :slight_smile: