Need To Access The Game EXE Location On User's Hard Drive?

I need to access the game’s location on the user’s hard drive to do important setup for my game. Unity has a built in command " Application.dataPath" for accessing the location of the exe on the end user’s hard drive. Does the Flax Engine have something comparable?

Globals.ProjectFolder should do the work.

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Thank you that worked :slight_smile:

Like Unity’s dataPath / persistentDataPath Flax has some internal path aliases:

public static string StartupFolder => Internal_GetStartupFolder();

//     Temporary folder path.
public static string TemporaryFolder => Internal_GetTemporaryFolder();

//     Directory that contains project
public static string ProjectFolder => Internal_GetProjectFolder();

//     The product local data directory.
public static string ProductLocalFolder => Internal_GetProductLocalFolder();

//     The game executable files location.
public static string BinariesFolder => Internal_GetBinariesFolder();

//     Project specific cache folder path (editor-only).
public static string ProjectCacheFolder => Internal_GetProjectCacheFolder();

//     Engine content directory path (editor-only).
public static string EngineContentFolder => Internal_GetEngineContentFolder();

//     Game source code directory path (editor-only).
public static string ProjectSourceFolder => Internal_GetProjectSourceFolder();

//     Project content directory path
public static string ProjectContentFolder => Internal_GetProjectContentFolder();

In addition, ProjectContentFolder might be useful when digging in game resource directory. It refers /Content/ during development, and after building it refers the location where the resources built resides.

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