Just as the title says, can anyone guide me?
I was planning to use Voronoi noise for making a procedural natural looking skin shader.
Just as the title says, can anyone guide me?
I was planning to use Voronoi noise for making a procedural natural looking skin shader.
Using code or the shadergraph? If code there are a lot of great examples for almost anything on shadertoy. Here is a skin shader for example (GLSL but should be easy to port)
Um thanks, but no. I actually meant the shadergraph. Sorry for the confusion.
Is there a way to directly plug-in the noise output into the normal map?
There is no direct method that I know about. You would need to sample several points to get the heightmap (that you generated from the noise) deltas, and then construct the normal from it (sample three points from your noise, with a small u and v offset around the center point to get the du and dv, you can then normalize du,dv,1 to get the normal).
A more traditional approach using a pre-computed normal map is perhaps a better way, its faster. Here is an online tool that will create the normalmap for you, you could just paste in your generated noise:
If you need some randomness or increased detail to it, then the traditional approach is to combine multiple pregenerated normal-maps at different frequencies and influences. So for example, normal map 1 at 1.0 repeat, the normal map 2 at 2.0 repeat 50% influence, normal map 3 at 4.0 repeat 25% influence and so on. By changing the offsets of each one you could get random/procedural looking results.