for some reason intellisense isnt working when writing code for lax engine in visual studio.
is this a known issue? how do i resolve it?
I’ve never had that problem, but I do build flax from source and on v1.7 now.
The recommended fix for years with C# solutions has been to simply save your project and restart visual studio.
Sounds 'kinda dumb I’ll admit, but a quick web search seems to say the same.
I’m also on visual studio 2022 and the properties pages are a little different than they used to be, so it’s hard to find those property pages sometimes or trust the Developer Command Prompt tools to operate the same as versions 2010->2017.
One last mention may be the .Net version.
It’s my understanding that Flax 1.6 has moved to .Net 7 so you’ll probably want VS2022 version 17.4 or higher.
These are just some thoughts from a hobby guy and welcome to Flax.
fixed it by switching to visual studio 2022