it has to do with weapon render layer setup
if i remove it the weapon doesnt jitter
using FlaxEngine;
/// <summary>
/// PostFx script for custom player weapon rendering over world geometry. Attached to the player camera actor.
/// </summary>
public class WeaponRenderer : PostProcessEffect
private Camera _camera;
private SceneRenderTask _renderingTask;
private GPUTexture _outputTexture;
private GPUPipelineState _compositeOutputPipeline;
/// <summary>
/// Layer (or layers) that are used by weapon. Used to hide weapon from default scene rendering in the Game viewport.
/// </summary>
public LayersMask WeaponLayer = new LayersMask(0);
/// <summary>
/// Layer (or layers) that are used by additional objects used by weapon rendering (eg. lights, postfx volumes).
/// </summary>
public LayersMask AdditionalLayers = new LayersMask(0);
/// <summary>
/// Rendering features to use for weapon rendering (limited to main rendering - PostFx are configured in the main view drawing).
/// </summary>
public ViewFlags RenderFlags = ViewFlags.DirectionalLights |
ViewFlags.SkyLights |
ViewFlags.SpotLights |
ViewFlags.PointLights |
ViewFlags.SpecularLight |
ViewFlags.Shadows |
ViewFlags.ContactShadows |
ViewFlags.Fog |
ViewFlags.Reflections |
/// <summary>
/// If checked then weapon will be rendered with custom projection (customizable FOV and near/far planes).
/// </summary>
public bool CustomProjection = false;
/// <summary>
/// Custom Field Of View angle for the weapon rendering.
/// </summary>
[Range(30, 120), EditorDisplay("Projection"), VisibleIf(nameof(CustomProjection))]
public float WeaponFov = 60.0f;
/// <summary>
/// Custom Near Plane distance for the weapon rendering.
/// </summary>
[Limit(0.0001f), EditorDisplay("Projection"), VisibleIf(nameof(CustomProjection))]
public float WeaponNearPlane = 0.1f;
/// <summary>
/// Custom Far Plane distance for the weapon rendering.
/// </summary>
[Limit(10.0f), EditorDisplay("Projection"), VisibleIf(nameof(CustomProjection))]
public float WeaponFarPlane = 10000.0f;
public WeaponRenderer()
// Render weapons after scene is rendered but before any PostFx
Location = PostProcessEffectLocation.AfterForwardPass;
UseSingleTarget = true;
public override void OnEnable()
_camera = Actor.As<Camera>();
if (_camera == null)
Debug.LogError("Attach WeaponRenderer to the player camera actor.", this);
// Disable weapons drawing in camera's view
_camera.RenderLayersMask &= ~WeaponLayer;
// Create new rendering task to draw
_outputTexture = GPUDevice.Instance.CreateTexture("WeaponTexture");
_renderingTask = new SceneRenderTask
IsCustomRendering = true, // Don't use automatic rendering but manually schedule rendering
Output = _outputTexture,
_renderingTask.Buffers.UseAlpha = true;
// Create PSO that will draw weapon over the scene (rendered weapon is alpha-masked)
var psoDesc = GPUPipelineState.Description.DefaultFullscreenTriangle;
psoDesc.PS = GPUDevice.Instance.QuadShader.GetPS("PS_CopyLinear");
psoDesc.BlendMode = BlendingMode.AlphaBlend;
psoDesc.BlendMode.SrcBlend = BlendingMode.Blend.One;
psoDesc.BlendMode.DestBlend = BlendingMode.Blend.InvSrcAlpha;
psoDesc.BlendMode.BlendOp = BlendingMode.Operation.Add;
psoDesc.BlendMode.SrcBlendAlpha = BlendingMode.Blend.One;
psoDesc.BlendMode.DestBlendAlpha = BlendingMode.Blend.Zero;
psoDesc.BlendMode.BlendOp = BlendingMode.Operation.Add;
_compositeOutputPipeline = new GPUPipelineState();
_compositeOutputPipeline.Init(ref psoDesc);
public override void OnDisable()
// Cleanup
Destroy(ref _compositeOutputPipeline);
Destroy(ref _outputTexture);
Destroy(ref _renderingTask);
_camera = null;
public override void Render(GPUContext context, ref RenderContext renderContext, GPUTexture input, GPUTexture output)
if (!_renderingTask)
var camera = _camera ?? Actor.As<Camera>();
if (!camera)
var width = input.Width;
var height = input.Height;
// Initialize weapon rendering
var view = renderContext.View;
view.Mode = ViewMode.NoPostFx; // Just render weapon with lighting, postfx are applied once for a whole game view
view.RenderLayersMask = WeaponLayer | AdditionalLayers; // Render both weapon and lighting
view.Flags = RenderFlags; // Select visual features to use during rendering
if (CustomProjection)
// Customize projection matrix
view.Near = WeaponNearPlane;
view.Far = WeaponFarPlane;
float aspect = (float)width / (float)height;
float fov = WeaponFov * Mathf.DegreesToRadians;
Matrix.PerspectiveFov(fov, aspect, view.Near, view.Far, out view.Projection);
view.NonJitteredProjection = view.Projection;
_renderingTask.View = view;
// Setup rendering resolution
if (!_outputTexture.IsAllocated)
var outputDesc = GPUTextureDescription.New2D(width, height, _renderingTask.Buffers.OutputFormat);
_outputTexture.Init(ref outputDesc);
_renderingTask.Resize(width, height);
// Reuse main game viewport GI/GlobalSDF/etc when rendering weapon
_renderingTask.Buffers.LinkedCustomBuffers = renderContext.Buffers;
// Render nested scene with weapon-only
// Composite weapon over the scene view
context.SetViewport(width, height);
context.BindSR(0, _outputTexture.View());
var pipeline = _compositeOutputPipeline;