Do I need to activate something for physics to work? [Solved]

I created a scene where when pressing the left mouse button a cube moves I expected it to collide with another cube and stay still like someone hitting a wall. But he goes through the other.
The cubes have a meshcollider “child” both on the same layer.
I also put the “collision data”

Do I need to activate something for physics to work?
in physics settings I already activated layers and support cooking at runtime.

I also did a build but the game did not open it gave the following error: “Failed to initialize GameSettings.”

Moving object to collide with other needs to be Rigidbody with one or more colliders attached to it as children (and Static Model or Animated Model to draw). Note that MeshCollider with Collision Data that is Triangle Mesh won’t work due to PhysX limitation. Probably you need to use Convex Mesh or manually create box/sphere colliders.

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thanks for replying i got it.

I still have the error (I also did a build but the game did not open it gave the following error: “Failed to initialize GameSettings.”)

There’s something I am missing, obviously, since my cube does not fall to the ground.
What more do I need to add?

Reparent it so the structure looks like:

  • Rigidbody
    • Cube
    • BoxCollider

+change Static Flags to None

Ah. Thanks.