Flax is a great engine. But I have to complete the Unity Game First

Hello !
I came here after Unity’s new fee. But after some time due to Job and other projects with Unity, I went back. Now I have seen few demos and games with Flax.
It’s actually capable game engine with very impressive performance and easy to use interface.

What it’s need for now to get more attention.

  1. Demos for graphics Capabilities
  2. Some playable FPS Demo (Shooting etc with a good small map)
  3. YouTube videos and gallery showcase.

Hi Mazhar_Akbar,

Flax definitely has a lot of potential! It’s understandable to go back to Unity for familiarity, especially with ongoing projects.

Here’s what I think could help Flax gain more traction:

  • Showcasing Visuals: More demos focusing on graphics capabilities would be great. Seeing impressive environments, character models, and lighting effects would be a strong selling point.
  • Interactive Demos: A playable FPS demo, even a small one with good level design, could be a fantastic way to let people experience Flax’s performance firsthand.
  • Community Content: Increased YouTube videos and a gallery showcasing games built with Flax would be a valuable resource for potential users. Seeing a variety of projects would demonstrate the engine’s versatility.

While you focus on those Flax projects, if you’re still looking for Unity resources in the meantime, check out Unity Templates. They offer pre-built assets that can jumpstart your development process.