Which are the best methods for maximising Flax Engine performance?

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

I’ve been working on a Flax Engine project for a few months now, and although I’ve made great progress, as my game gets more complicated, I’m starting to run into some performance problems. I’m looking for suggestions from the community on the best ways to maximise Flax Engine performance.

In particular, when the game loads new assets or when there’s a lot going on the screen at once, I’m experiencing frame rate reductions and sporadic stuttering. Even though I’ve already attempted several simple optimisations, including dropping texture resolutions and cutting the polygon count on some of my models, I’m still seeing some speed issues.

These are some enquiries I have:

  • Which optimisations will have the most effects on rendering performance? :thinking:
  • In order to avoid stuttering, how can I optimise and manage asset loading the best? :thinking:
  • Are there any particular Flax Engine settings or tools that are very helpful in locating and resolving performance bottlenecks? :thinking:
  • What are some typical flaws or errors in optimisation that Flax Engine novice developers should steer clear of? :thinking:

I would be very grateful for any advice, sources, or firsthand knowledge you could provide. I want to make sure my game works as smoothly as possible and I’m excited to learn more about salesforce.

Thank you :pray: in advance.

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I cannot help because I’m not flax user but I have a plan to use it in near future or v soon.