Help with 2d shooting

Hey guys, devxtreme here, i’m trying to create a game like the brackeys ball wars: Making of BALL WARS - YouTube
so i basically need help with the shooting based on the mouse position

You want to shoot towards the mouse position? That can be done rather easily:

// Copyright © 2021-2022 PrecisionRender. Available under the MIT license.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using FlaxEngine;

namespace Game
	public class BulletShoot : Script
		[Serialize, ShowInEditor] 
        Prefab Bullet;

		public override void OnUpdate()

			if (Input.GetAction("Fire"))
				Actor bullet = PrefabManager.SpawnPrefab(Bullet, Actor.Position, Actor.Orientation);

				Ray ray = Camera.MainCamera.ConvertMouseToRay(Input.MousePosition);
				if (Physics.RayCast(ray.Position, ray.Direction, out RayCastHit hit))
					hit.Point.Z = Actor.Position.Z; 


Note: This code is a stripped-down version of the BulletShoot script from my Top-Down Shooter game. In its current state, this script is untested.

Well, it didn’t work, I think I would check the engine’s Api to find a function to handle the player’s rotation in the direction of the mouse, so I only have to bother about forward shooting

That sounds like a good idea. But the script should’ve worked. I wonder why it didn’t.