Hello. How might I get all the Actors with a specified tag (e.g. Enemies, Player) from code and store that as an Actor variable/array?
This code is slow as it iterates over all actors but works:
private static void Search(Actor a, List<Actor> list)
if (a.HasTag("Enemy"))
for (int i = 0; i < a.ChildrenCount; i++)
Search(a.GetChild(i), list);
public override unsafe void OnStart()
var list = new List<Actor>();
for (int i = 0; i < Level.ScenesCount; i++)
Search(Level.GetScene(i), list);
// use list...
There is a plan to add a more complex tags system for actors that would include some robust objects searching for tags.
Yeah, I bet this would run pretty slow and not be good for memory. So far, just getting a child actor from the Scene actor has worked just as good, so unless I run into a problem with my current method, I’ll keep using it.