How To Get Actor To Move In Forward Facing Direction

Edit: Okay, so I’m an idiot lol.

I was telling the Actor to move along the world z axis with the following code:

public override void OnUpdate()
     Actor.LocalPosition += Vector3.Forward * 1f;
     if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyboardKeys.ArrowLeft))
         Actor.Direction *= Quaternion.RotationY(75);

The following code will have it move along it’s forward facing direction and rotate it while moving

 public override void OnUpdate()
     if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyboardKeys.ArrowLeft))
         Actor.LocalOrientation *=Quaternion.RotationY(15*Time.DeltaTime);

I’m learning the engine and trying to understand how things work so the example I’m working on is so I can see how to move things around.

This is super easy. :slight_smile:
Congrats to the dev!