Parallax Occlusion Mapping not works with Triplanar Sampling

I have had some trouble making Tessellation work with Triplanar sampling…

Tessellation not works with Triplanar Sample output

I tested some other alternatives, and tried Parallax Occlusion Mapping . The node receives height texture, and outputs UV for Ambient Occlusion and Normal - according to the Flax Tour Sample.

As long as I carbon copied the graph of Sample it made difference with my own height texture, but It didn’t made any difference when connected Normal/AO to the Triplanar sampling.

Above is ‘without Parallax’, below is ‘with Parallax’. Obvious difference.

Above and below are same but added Triplanar sampling to the output. No difference.

How to make these features works with others?

It seems like a similar issue to Tessellation not works with Triplanar Sample output - #3 by mafiesto4 which should be fixed on master (see next daily build in Launcher).

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