VR support (specially Oculus Quest)

Does Flax have support for VR? I don’t see anything in the documentation, and only found an external project with experimental VR support for v0.6 in Github.

I’m especially interested in developing for the Oculus Quest. Does Flax support this with the Android / Vulkan support?

Well, answering myself, found this in the Trello https://trello.com/c/JzAAtmdh/45-vr so it seems it’s still not implemented, but high priority.

Although from the list it seems mostly PC VR is expected? I do see “GearVR” in the list (which now is a discontinued product), what about modern stand alone VR like Oculus Quest, any plans for it? Maybe via OpenXR and Vulkan?


the trello card is there for a long time and we had no support for Android at that time (support for Android deployment came in 1.0) but I’d presume that even Occulus quest etc. will eventually be supported.

Follow our trello, discord and blog posts for more update.

I am very interesting. I have 2 HTC Vive, 1 Oculus Rift and 1 “old” Oculus DK2 :wink:

My dream is to use your Flax engine using SteamVR or OpenXR with my HTC Vive:

But most of all:

Please let me know :wink:

How about now for OpenXR support in Flax :)?

The exodus from Unity has begun, but for a lot of devs the lack of XR/MR/VR support in Flax is a show-stopper (exhibit A here included).


I’m also interested, not as a unity dev, but as an unreal dev who’s tired of being boxed in. I was thinking of escaping to unity, but after the bs that just happened I’ve been eye balling other engines. Godot isn’t ready, Stride is also missing OpenXR, someone mentioned bevvy but ???. So hopefully flax adds openXR and meta sdks.