What is causing model to be lit up when sun goes down?

How do I make Foliage and Models not be lit up when the sun goes down/lights off? Buildings in the scene are lit up also when the sun goes down.

I setup the directional light to revolve around the terrain to simulate a day/night cycle. Is this happening because the light is shining through the bottom of the terrain when it is underneath the terrain?

Thanks for any help.

Well I was hoping to find a way to fix this without code because I figure it must be controlled by some light, material, or render setting. I fixed this issue by coding the light to be inactive when it’s x rotation is less than 0, (underneath the terrain). It gets pitch black!

In Unreal Engine the usual advice for light leaks like that (which happen continously) is to place hidden static meshes in the scene, so not too thin boxes to block the light leaks.
I didn’t see code examples there to do what you just did here with Flax.

Here’s the code for the “Sun” in my game. For sky visuals I only have the Sky and the Directional Light. I disabled the SkyLight and Environment Probe

namespace Game
     public class DayNightCycle : Script
         public Actor sun;//the directional light
         public float speedAcrossSky; //the rotation speed
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void OnStart()

        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void OnEnable()

        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void OnDisable()

        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void OnUpdate()
            sun.AddMovement(Vector3.Zero,Quaternion.Euler(speedAcrossSky * Time.DeltaTime,0,0));


I do believe that terrain in 1 sided. You could try putting a big rectangle.underneath it and see if it blocks the light. Otherwise if you think it is related to post processing I would remove eye adaptation as sometimes that gives weird lighting.

Ok, thanks for the info